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Counseling Services Evaluation Form

The OBU Counseling Center staff are sincerely committed to continuously improving the services we provide to our students. To that end, we ask that you take a few minutes to complete this evaluation of your counseling experience, by thoughtfully responding to the questions below. Your responses will be anonymous and confidential. This should take approximately 5 minutes to finish.


Evaluation Form

Your Counselor*
Counseling Service Received*

Please rate your overall feeling about the following:

1. Ease of your experience requesting an appointment*
2. Office Personnel (person with whom you spoke, in person, by phone or via email)*
3. Waiting time when you came for an appointment (time in waiting room)*
4. Waiting time between when an appointment was requested to when the appointment occurred*
5. Confidentiality and respect for your rights, needs, feelings and perspectives as an individual*
6. Ability of your counselor to listen to or understand your problem/need*
7. Professional knowledge or competence of your counselor*
8. Effectiveness of your counselor to reduce symptoms or help you resolve/better respond to problems*
9. Your counselor’s response to a crisis episode (during or after hours) you experienced*
10. Your counselor’s use of a referral to other services, if needed*
11. How would you rate your own effort and time devoted to your progress (i.e., attending all sessions, completing all counseling homework, assigned tasks, and implementing the techniques, tools or behaviors suggested to you by your therapist)? (5 = I worked hard at everything suggested; 1 = I may have attended some sessions, but that’s all I did)*
12. Overall, how satisfied were you with the services received?*

For questions #12 - #14, please check the appropriate responses (check all that apply)

13. Did your counseling experience impact your academic performance in any way?*
14. If you knew of another person who needed help, would you recommend they come to the OBU Counseling Center?*
15. Did your counseling impact in any way your decision or ability to remain at OBU?*

Please provide here any input you might have that was not requested above


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