Biomedical Scholars FAQ
The Biomedical Scholars Program
The Biomedical Scholars program is a unique degree program intentionally designed to develop students into well-rounded candidates for the health professions school of their choice. Students completing the Biomedical Scholars Program will graduate with an Honors Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Sciences degree with a minor in Biomed Chemistry or Physics. This program is intended for motivated, ambitious, and well-prepared students. All Biomedical Scholars will leave Ouachita with:
- An excellent Ouachita education
- Integrated Honors program requirements
- Coursework chosen to strengthen students academically and interpersonally
- An experimental research project with a faculty mentor
- Experience presenting scholarly work both on- and off-campus
- A study abroad program of their choice
- At least 60 hours of documented community service
- At least 70 hours of clinical shadowing
Q: Can I get a Biomedical Sciences degree if I am not a Biomedical Scholar?
A: No. The Biomedical Sciences degree is currently limited to Biomedical Scholars.
However, if you transfer in college course credit and/or are willing to take summer
classes, we can help you complete a traditional Biology degree in 3 years.
Q: What are the admission criteria for the Biomedical Scholars program?
A: Qualified students may join the Biomedical Scholars program as incoming freshmen
or rising Ouachita sophomores (28.5 or fewer credit hours). Admission to the Biomedical
Scholars program as an incoming freshman requires an ACT score of at least 30 or an SAT total score of at least 1370, 6 hours
or more of transferrable college credit, and completion of the student application. Admission to the Biomedical Scholars program as a rising Ouachita sophomore requires an overall 3.6 GPA, a 3.5 GPA in General Biology I and II and General Chemistry
I and II, completing of one Honors CORE course, and completion of a biographical information
Q: If I join the Biomedical Scholars program, is there a minimum GPA required to remain in the program?
A: Students in the program must maintain a 3.6 GPA. If a student’s GPA falls below
this, he/she will have a one semester probationary period in which to bring his/her
GPA back up to this minimum level. If a student’s GPA remains below a 3.6 after the
probationary semester, he/she must default to a Biology degree. The BIOL 1014 requirement
will be waived for Biomedical Scholars defaulting to a Biology degree.
Q: How many credit hours would I take each semester as a Biomedical Scholar?
A: If you come in with 6 hours of college credit and complete only the Biomedical
Sciences program, you will take 12 to 18 credit hours per semester. These semester
hour values will change if you bring in more college credits or add an additional
major or minor.
Q: If I am a Biomedical Scholar, will I have time for campus activities?
A: Yes! All of our students are involved in the Ouachita campus community, participating
in Tiger Tunes, intramural sports, and/or clubs. We encourage extracurricular activities
because participation in these activities will broaden your point of view and help
you to be a better healthcare professional.
Q: I want to be a Biomedical Scholar, but I don’t want to study abroad. Can I still participate in this program?
A: No. We believe study abroad is critical for the experiential learning component
of this program. If you are willing to take summer classes instead of traveling, we
can help you complete a traditional Biology degree in 3 years.
Q: I am transferring in my foreign language credits. How does this influence the Biomedical Scholars program’s study abroad requirement?
A: Your foreign language credits will satisfy the university’s Intercultural Appreciation and Communication requirement, but will not fulfill the study abroad requirement of the Biomedical Scholars program. For your study abroad experience, you may choose a traditional foreign language experience, you may opt for an English-language experience, or you may complete experimental research in another country. If you are interested in pursuing an international research experience, let your academic advisor know.