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Frequently Asked Questions

Everyone! Arts Engagement is just like chapel. It is not technically a class you take or can substitute credit for; it is an experience you have here on campus.

Transfer students have the same first year (entrance survey) and last year (1-hour Arts Engagement review) requirements as a typical residential student. However, the total number of events they must attend is based on how many academic years they are at Ouachita (3.5-4 years = 12; 2.5-3 = 9; 1.5-2 = 6; 0.5-1 = 3).

Some classes from other institutions may substitute for the Flexible CORE Performing Arts class, but this DOES NOT affect their Experiential CORE Arts Engagement series participation.

Step 1: Take the entrance survey by clicking here.

Step 2: Attend OR participate in one approved music event, one approved theatre event, and one approved visual art event per academic year (total of 3 per year).

Step 3: Use your student ID card to check in before music and theatre events and check out afterward. Use your student ID card to fill out the check-in form at visual art exhibits and then leave the completed form in the designated box as you leave. YOU MUST BRING YOUR STUDENT ID TO THE EVENTS FOR WHICH YOU WISH TO RECEIVE CREDIT.

Step 4: Enroll in a Performing Arts appreciation class (music, theatre, or visual art) your junior or senior year.

Step 5: Enroll in the one-hour credit Arts Engagement review course your senior year. There is no class meeting, you just do your one and only assignment during finals week: an exit survey.

That counts if your name is in a program or your faculty/staff sponsor sends an e-mail to [email protected] confirming your participation.

Arts Engagement is worth a one-hour credit.

Performing Arts appreciation courses are worth three one-hour credits.

Our student, faculty, and guest artists produce some amazing work that you don't want to miss, but we understand that sometimes things happen.

From your Freshman to fall semester of your Senior year you have the ability to make up any events you missed. (example: you were not able to attend a theatre production one semester, so the following semester you see two theatre productions instead of just one) We suggest you pace out your events throughout each semester during your time at OBU, but you can always double up to make sure you stay on track.

Once you are in your final semester and are enrolled in FINA 4011, then you will have that semester to complete all needed attendance credits. If you reach the end of your final semester and have run out of events to attend, you will receive an incomplete in the Arts Engagement series until you complete the appropriate number of alternative assignments.

Please e-mail [email protected] for more information on make up processes.

You can see this information in your info portal under the "General Academic" tab or under your mid-term/final grades. Your advisor can also see this on your student profile in their info portal.

If you have any questions about your credits, e-mail [email protected].

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