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Ouachita Young Alumni Advisory Board

The Ouachita Young Alumni Advisory Board was created in 2009 as a way to reach out to young alumni and keep them connected with Ouachita. Currently there are more than 4,000 young alumni (graduates from the past 10 seasons) living throughout the country - and even the world! - and the alumni team wants to stay actively involved with this important group.

The Young Alumni Advisory Board has three key goals:

  • Connect young alumni to each other through social and networking events
  • Connect young alumni back to the university
  • Foster communication between young alumni and the university

Do you have ideas to suggest to the Young Alumni Advisory Board? Send them to [email protected]!


Gracie (Lundstrum) Lively ('15)
Bradley Hunter-Heird ('15)
Lauren (Snow) Hembree ('16)
Nick Archer ('16)
Jordan Sharp ('16)
Mari Bednar ('17)
Abby (Root) Curry ('17)
Haley Jo Wesson ('18)
Adam Graves ('18)
Alec Edmonds ('19)
Tiffany Lee ('19)

Ouachita Representatives:

Dr. Keldon Henley ('86), Vice President for Institutional Advancement, Chief of Staff
Jon Merryman ('00), Director of Alumni Relations

Next Steps
