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Job & Internship Searching

Things you need to know to get started:

  • There are SO MANY jobs and internships out there! It can be overwhelming (and paralyzing) to see giant lists, so you will need some criteria to narrow the options.
  • Determine if there are responsibilities or resources that it is important for you to consider (location of family, spouse, proximity to a particular healthcare provider, work environment, city/country living, etc.).
  • Brainstorm some keywords to help you find the sort of work you are looking for rather than just specific job titles.
  • Know some general information about the positions you are exploring SPECIFICALLY in the region you are considering to quickly eliminate unreasonable postings (check out the links under Job Outlook Sites).
  • Start your search with Ouachita’s exclusive job board (in your INFO portal under My Campus) to see openings that have been given to Ouachita directly, then you can branch out from there!

If you need help determining your filters, send us an email!

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