History: B.A.
To you, history is enchanting – the people and pivotal moments of the past are stories you want to understand backward and forward. Perhaps it is the way history is presented, authored or preserved that interests you, and you see its value in everything from public education to decisions made on the world stage.
At Ouachita, we believe studying history is essential not only for your education and identity but also for your engagement with the modern world. You will examine the past on its own terms, learn how to rigorously examine primary documents, analyze critically and be inspired to ask hard questions. History is about the human experience, and you will study its intricacies, its successes and failures and the complex interactions between continuity and change.
Professional Education
Historic Preservation
Museums and National Parks
Library Science
Government Research
Technical Writing
African/Caribbean History
European History
Germany & Central Europe
History of American Women
Civil War and Reconstruction
U.S. Military History
Research Seminar
View the Ouachita catalog for a full course listing with course descriptions.
This flexible degree program allows you to choose courses to suit your interests and the needs of your future career path. View the detailed degree requirements PDF to see all courses included in the program.
Max Upper-level Class Size
of History Faculty Hold Doctoral Degrees
Credit Hours, Allowing for Possibility of Double Major
Recent Grads in Jobs/Grad School
Degree Options: B.A. or Minor
B.A. degree: Ouachita’s B.A. in history allows each student to acquire the professional skills and knowledge base required to succeed in a variety of careers and vocations. In addition, it is a great option for students who wish to pursue graduate and professional study in history, politics, law or international studies.
B.A. degree (Teaching Emphasis): In addition to Department of History requirements, students must complete a second major in secondary education. This is the recommended option for students interested in teaching high school.
History Minor: A minimum of 18 hours, a history minor also includes at least six hours of United States history and six hours in other areas of history. A minor, or maybe even the B.A., in history make great complements to other fields of study on campus.
In their words
hear from a faculty member & student
"The Department of History at Ouachita prepared me for all the academic challenges that law school could throw at me. In addition to teaching me invaluable research and writing skills, the history professors helped me to become an empathetic and attentive student of people’s stories. As much or more than research and writing, that skill has served me immensely as I begin a career in legal aid."
Kevin Jackson

What can you do with a history major? Ouachita history majors have gone on to become lawyers, librarians, public servants and teachers. They have been employed by museums, the foreign service, intelligence services, national parks, research institutes and many more. If this is your passion, our faculty are dedicated to helping you explore your career options.


and ask them your burning historical questions
Don’t you love sitting down to chat with someone who really knows their stuff? Your faculty in the history program are just that and make class lectures and discussions fascinating. With deep expertise in United States, European, African and Caribbean histories, Ouachita’s history faculty are dynamic teachers. They are as comfortable authoring a serious scholarly article – and all have – as grabbing a cup of coffee with you in the student center.
W.H. Sutton School of Social Sciences
The Sutton School of Social Sciences offers in-depth study in the fields of criminal justice, history, political science, psychology, public history, social justice studies and sociology. Our faculty encourage our students to become enlightened, engaged citizens who embrace an ethic of service to God and humanity.GET IN TOUCH
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