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Make Ouachita Your Study Abroad Site: OASIS

OASIS (Ouachita's American Semester for International Students) is a one-semester study abroad experience on Ouachita's campus.

OASIS is a great choice because:

  • It's a good option if you have the time or money limitations preventing you from pursuing a 4-year degree at Ouachita.
  • It offers incoming international students an opportunity to experience American culture, tradition and education for one semester.
  • Students can choose any five classes based on their interest and English proficiency.
  • It allows students with limited English skills (lower than 78 TOEFL score) to enroll in ESL and/or American culture and history classes.
  • It gives students opportunities for cultural excursions and special events.
  • It is designed as a one-semester experience, but university credit is given for all classes.
  • Eligible for $2,000 global scholarship for the semester


Think OASIS is right for you? Let's get started!

[toggle title="1. Apply for Admission"] Our online application for admission is simple. Fill it out today to start your journey to becoming a Ouachita Tiger.

Apply for Admission to Ouachita


[toggle title="2. Scanned Copy of Passport"]Email us a clear color scan of the identification page of your passport to international@obu.edu.[/toggle]

[toggle title="3. Official Transcripts"]  Please send your scanned official high school transcripts to  international@obu.edu if studying at OBU will be your first collegiate experience.  If you're currently a college student in another country and wish to make Ouachita your study abroad experience, simply email your scanned college transcripts to international@obu.edu.

You may also mail your official  transcripts to:

Ouachita Baptist University Grant Center
410 Ouachita Street, OBU Box 3777
Arkadelphia, AR 71998-0001


[toggle title="4. Official TOEFL Score Report"]If English is not your first language, we need official TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) results. Either electronic or paper results are acceptable. You can report scores directly through the test administrator, or you may send scanned copies of results to international@obu.edu.

Visit the TOEFL Website


[toggle title="5. Original Bank Statement"]You must provide an original bank statement showing your ability to afford the cost to attend OBU for 9 months. View an estimated cost of attendance for 2014-2015. After receiving your SAT or ACT scores and your GPA or ECE results, your admissions counselor will be able to provide more information about your personalized cost of attendance. See an example bank statement here.

If the bank statement is not your personal account, see item 6. Affadavit of Support.

Download Estimated Cost of Attendance Budget

Download Example Bank Statement


[toggle title="6. Affadavit of Support"]If the bank statement is not for your personal account, the person owning the bank account needs to submit an Affidavit of Support indicating that he or she will sponsor you.

Download the Affadavit of Support Form


[toggle title="7. Certification of Finances"]International students must be able to financially support their studies at Ouachita. This support can come from a variety of sources, including personal savings, your parents, another sponsor or government scholarships. Submit this Certification of Finances form to verify these sources of funding.

OASIS students are eligible to apply for $2,000 global scholarships per semester.  ESL students are also eligible to apply for $1,000 a semester as an ESL scholarship.  Students should check with their home governments to see if assistance is available for study abroad.

Download the Certification of Finances Form


[toggle title="8. $50 Housing Deposit"]The Housing Deposit is refundable if you cancel your application before December 1 for the spring semester or before June 1 for the fall semester. You may pay this fee through your web portal or send your credit card information to international@obu.edu to be processed along with your tuition deposit and SEVIS fee. [/toggle]

[toggle title="9. $1,000 Tuition Deposit"]The Tuition Deposit is refundable if you do not ultimately attend Ouachita. You may pay this fee through your web portal or send your credit card information to international@obu.edu to be processed along with your housing deposit and SEVIS fee. [/toggle]

[toggle title="10. $200 SEVIS Fee"]As an international student, you must be entered into the United States Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS). You pay Ouachita the $200 SEVIS Fee, and your admissions counselor will pay then pay SEVIS on your behalf as you are entered into the system. We will send you a paper copy of the receipt, which you will then take to your visa appointment. The SEVIS Fee is non-refundable. You will need to wire money to OBU or send your credit card informaiton to international@obu.edu.  [/toggle]

[toggle title="11. Health Form"]By U.S. law, Ouachita is required to have certain information regarding the health of all of our students. Submit this completed Health Form to your admissions counselor.

Download the Health Form


[toggle title="12. 2 Recent Digital Photos"]Send us two recent photos of yourself; digital snapshots from your phone or camera are perfect. We want to know who we're looking for at the airport![/toggle]

Next Steps
