Spring 2021 Campus Operations
Ouachita’s Health Monitoring and Action Team (HMAT), chaired by University Physician and Vice President for Student Development Dr. Wesley Kluck, have led the planning. The HMAT has worked collaboratively with offices across campus as well as with state and local health officials and other universities to recommend these protocols. The university also follows guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Arkansas Department of Health (ADH).

Vaccine Information
Ouachita employees as well as students who live in residence halls are eligible to be vaccinated now under the state of Arkansas’ vaccination plan. Two resources for finding available vaccine appointments are Healthy.Arkansas.gov and VaccineSpotter.org.
Learn more about COVID-19 vaccines here.
Will vaccines be required for students or employees for the 2021-2022 school year?
No, a COVID-19 vaccine will not be a requirement for employment or enrollment at Ouachita; it is, however, recommended.
New flexibility for employees
The CDC recently released new guidelines for those who have been fully vaccinated for COVID-19. Because all Ouachita employees have had the opportunity to be vaccinated, we’re able to make the following changes to campus protocols:
- For employee-only meetings, if all have been fully vaccinated (two weeks after their second Moderna or Pfizer dose or two weeks after their single Johnson & Johnson dose), no masks or distancing are required.
- For employee-only meetings in which not all present have been fully vaccinated, you may maintain either mask wearing or physical distancing but do not have to do both. If you are leading a meeting and do not know the status of those in the room, we suggest maintaining physical distancing and reminding participants of the option to additionally wear a mask according to their comfort level.
- Employees are strongly encouraged to remove “call to enter” signs and to re-open offices and suites to walk-in foot traffic.
What hasn’t changed?
- All classroom and residence hall protocols remain the same (see below).
- Employees – even if fully vaccinated – should continue following mask and distancing protocols among students and in mixed-use spaces such as classrooms, hallways, Evans Student Center, etc.
- Students should continue to wear masks and physically distance indoors.
Updated April 26, 2021
While Ouachita faculty and staff are taking many precautions to make campus a safe place to live and learn this fall, there are many things that are the personal responsibility of each member of the Ouachita community.
Clean your hands frequently and properly:
- Use soap and water when possible, washing for 20 seconds.
- Take advantage of additional hand sanitizer stations placed across campus.
- Additionally, each student will receive a personal hand sanitizer on arrival to campus.
- Scrub the front and back of your hands, taking care to wash between your fingers and under your fingernails.
- It’s especially important to wash before eating or preparing food, before touching your face, after leaving a public place, after using the restroom, after coughing or sneezing or after handling your cloth face covering.
- Avoid touching your face.
Follow good respiratory etiquette:
- Cover your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze with a tissue or the inside of your elbow.
- Throw used tissues in the trash immediately.
Keep your living space clean and orderly:
- Wear gloves for routine cleaning and disinfection.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces (like doorknobs, light switches, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets, remotes) at least daily.
- Clean visibly dirty surfaces with soap and water prior to disinfection (see EPA-recommended disinfectants).
- Launder clothing, linens and other items according to the manufacturer’s instructions, and do not shake dirty laundry.
- Consider going minimalist this year in your residence hall or apartment; it’s easier to keep a simpler space clean.
Updated Jan. 8, 2021
Face coverings can be hot and uncomfortable. We get it. However, we also know that consistent use of masks and other face coverings is one of the best things we can do to protect members of our community from COVID-19. Because the virus spreads mainly from person-to-person through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs, sneezes or talks, masks help keep those droplets from getting to nearby people. A cloth mask may only offer partial protection to the wearer, but it may keep the wearer from spreading the virus to others. Because we can spread the virus even while we are not experiencing symptoms, we all should wear them to protect each other. Ouachita prides itself on its sense of community and selfless service, and we're counting on you to live that out this semester.
New flexibility for employees
The CDC recently released new guidelines for those who have been fully vaccinated for COVID-19. Because all Ouachita employees have had the opportunity to be vaccinated, we’re able to make the following changes to campus protocols:
- For employee-only meetings, if all have been fully vaccinated (two weeks after their second Moderna or Pfizer dose or two weeks after their single Johnson & Johnson dose), no masks or distancing are required.
- For employee-only meetings in which not all present have been fully vaccinated, you may maintain either mask wearing or physical distancing but do not have to do both. If you are leading a meeting and do not know the status of those in the room, we suggest maintaining physical distancing and reminding participants of the option to additionally wear a mask according to their comfort level.
What hasn’t changed?
- All classroom and residence hall protocols remain the same (see below).
- Employees – even if fully vaccinated – should continue following mask and distancing protocols among students and in mixed-use spaces such as classrooms, hallways, Evans Student Center, etc.
- Students should continue to wear masks and physically distance indoors.
What kind of face coverings should I wear?
- Cloth masks with more than one layer and that are washable are ideal, although disposable paper
or surgical masks are acceptable.
- Face shields are not currently approved as they are not proven to protect those in
proximity of the wearer.
- Bandanas and gaiter-style face coverings are not approved face coverings in Ouachita buildings. They may be used with 6-foot distancing outdoors. Recent research from Florida Atlantic and Duke Universities has shown that bandana and gaiter face coverings may not be effective in reducing the spread of COVID-19.
- Every student, faculty and staff member received one Ouachita face mask at the beginning
of the semester.
- We encourage you to have 3-7 washable masks on hand to have an ample, rotating supply
to keep them clean.
- Learn from the CDC how to make your own cloth face covering.
When do I wear my mask?
- In any campus building, including in classes, meeting rooms, hallways, restrooms,
When may I remove my mask?
- When you are alone in your private office or workspace. If someone enters the space,
you should put your mask on.
- Outdoors.
- When you are actively eating or drinking. Please put your mask back on during or after
meals when you are visiting with friends.
- When giving a presentation or teaching inside, your mask may be removed for a short
period of time if needed for a demonstration.
- When singing or performing inside, a covering is not required if a 12-foot distance
can be maintained.
- In your residence hall or apartment when you are with only your roommate or suite mates (or for O.C. Bailey, Susie Everett and Georgia Hickingbotham residents, your hall mates). We will call this your Student Family Group this semester.
How do I wear my mask?
- Wash your hands before and after handling a mask.
- Place the mask snugly over your nose and mouth and against the sides of your face.
- You should be able to breathe normally with your mask on.
- Don't put the mask around your neck or up on your forehead.
- Remove the mask by holding the strings, and fold the outside corners in to "close"
it when it's removed.
- Wash your cloth mask after every wear with your regular laundry and on the warmest
appropriate setting. Dry completely. To air dry, place the mask in direct sunlight,
if possible. See more from the CDC about washing your mask.
Remember, while wearing masks is a good measure to reduce the spread of COVID-19, physical distancing and frequent, thorough handwashing are still the best ways to avoid getting the virus. See more on face coverings from the CDC.
Updated March 31, 2021
It’s in the Ouachita DNA to be social, but how does that happen in a social-distance environment? We prefer to use the term "physical distancing" because we still believe our social connections can and will be alive and well this semester. However, because limiting close face-to-face contact with others is the best way to reduce the spread of COVID-19, physical distancing will be a part of virtually every part of campus this semester. We will follow the CDC's recommended 6 feet of distance between individuals (about two arms' length). This distance helps avoid the spread of respiratory droplets when we cough, sneeze or talk. As COVID-19 primarily spreads from person-to-person contact, keeping our distance is especially important.
How we'll keep our distance
- Reminder "Take Care, Tigers!" signage will be placed around campus on doors, floors and more.
- Certain spaces will have adjusted traffic flow, such as one-way stairwells or hallways.
- Every room on campus will have an adjusted "COVID Capacity," which will be posted outside the room. This includes bathrooms, so be sure to observe physical distancing while you wait. (Keep this reduced capacity in mind as you consider restroom breaks in your schedule; lines may move more slowly.) Elevators also will be single capacity.
- Classroom seating will be spaced out, and larger rooms will be used as classrooms that don't typically served that purpose (like Tiger Den or Verser Theatre).
- Visitation guidelines will change in the residence halls. (More on this to come.)
- Because there will be reduced capacity in places like the student center and residence halls, additional spaces will be made available for students to safely gather (like Walker Conference Center).
- Some offices on campus will have appointment policies rather than their typical walk-in options. Just call ahead to make sure you aren't arriving at a busy time.
What can you do to help
- Don't hug or handshake. We're a friendly campus, but let's use non-contact greetings for now.
- Simply be aware and respectful of your distance from others. Remember that people have various comfort levels and anxiety about the pandemic. If you feel someone is crowding you, don't be shy to ask for more space.
- Be respectful of faculty/staff office spaces. Ask before entering, conduct your conversation from the doorway or move your meeting to a larger space.
- Watch for signage across campus. Each office could have slightly different approaches to how they manage their area based on personal needs or the physical limitations of the space.
- Don't congregate in hallways. Before and after class, keep the traffic flow moving, and visit with friends outdoors or in larger spaces where distancing is easier to achieve.
- Continue to practice physical distancing off campus. Limit your contact when running errands or choosing social activities. Avoid crowded places, and wash your hands any time you've been to a public area. Take advantage of the areas many beautiful outdoor recreation areas for fun and exercise.
You do not have to practice physical distancing with other students in your residence life Student Family Group (roommates, suitemates).
- In certain spaces, like hallways, distancing could be difficult to achieve. In these instances, simply keep moving to minimize the time spent in close quarters with others.
- MARCH 2021 UPDATE: New flexibility for employees: The CDC recently released new guidelines for those who have been fully vaccinated for COVID-19. Because all Ouachita employees
have had the opportunity to be vaccinated, we’re able to make the following changes
to campus protocols:
- For employee-only meetings, if all have been fully vaccinated (two weeks after their second Moderna or Pfizer dose or two weeks after their single Johnson & Johnson dose), no masks or distancing are required.
- For employee-only meetings in which not all present have been fully vaccinated, you may maintain either mask wearing or physical distancing but do not have to do both. If you are leading a meeting and do not know the status of those in the room, we suggest maintaining physical distancing and reminding participants of the option to additionally wear a mask according to their comfort level.
Maintaining Social Connections
- Just because we are physically distant this semester, we still encourage you to be socially connected. We will have creative ways you can still enjoy social life at Ouachita and encourage you to engage your imagination, as well.
- If you are struggling with this new environment, please reach out to your RA or RD or to Counseling Services.
Updated March 17, 2021
Throughout the semester, every member of the campus community is expected to monitor their own symptoms daily for COVID-19. Students, as well as faculty and staff, will each receive a digital thermometer in addition to a face mask and hand sanitizer. RDs and apartment managers also have thermometers on hand. Keep in mind that a fever is only one thing to watch for. The following symptoms all are associated with COVID-19:
- Coughing/Shortness of Breath/Difficulty Breathing
- Fever/Chills
- New Sinus Congestion
- Generalized Muscle Aches
- Unusual, Sudden-onset Headache
- Sore Throat
- Fatigue
- New GI Symptoms
- New Loss of Taste or Smell
If you experience any of these symptoms:
- Complete the Symptom Self-Checker on the CDC website at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/symptoms-testing/symptoms.html. This screening will guide you on next steps, such as the need for a COVID-19 test, consultation with a medical professional or self-quarantine.
- Contact Health Services to inform them of your screening results. If needed, a telemedicine or in-person visit will be scheduled.
- Ouachita will have on-campus testing for COVID-19 through the fall. If you need to be tested for COVID-19, Health Services can help guide you through that process.
Updated Jan. 8, 2021
Health Services
- Walk-in services are temporarily unavailable to maximize physical distancing and minimize interactions among sick individuals. Call before stopping by: 870-245-5244.
- Increased telemedicine appointments will be available using secure software that can be accessed via a PC, phone or other mobile device.
- In-person appointments will be available as needed following initial phone or telemed screening.
- There will be designated times for well visits that cannot be accommodated via telemedicine, such as allergy shots, TB screening and flu shots.
- Keep in mind that the majority of illnesses that occur after hours can be seen the next day. Do not go to the Emergency Room if you think you have been exposed to or have symptoms of COVID-19 unless you are having emergency medical symptoms (trouble breathing and pain or pressure in your chest). If you have questions about what to do after hours, check first with your RA and RD.
Counseling Services
- The pandemic has been an unusually stressful time for everyone. We are here to help. Counseling Services now has five counselors available to meet your needs.
- See online resources by Counseling Services on the Ouachita Stories Blog.
- In-person counseling sessions will continue with physical distancing and masks in place. Request an appointment at obu.edu/counseling.
- Telecounseling also will be available. Ask for this service when you request your appointment.
Updated Jan. 8, 2021
Even with the many health protocols in place, we do expect to have positive cases of COVID-19 on campus this semester. To help us make fast and well-informed decisions to contain the spread of the virus, Ouachita has developed the resources to conduct on-campus COVID-19 testing and to complete internal contact tracing to expedite the process of isolating and quarantining individuals as needed.
On-campus COVID-19 Testing
- Where: Ouachita’s on-campus COVID-19 testing site is in Evans Fitness Center, found on the main floor of Evans Student Center near the Office of Health Services. (The fitness center will not be used for workouts this semester.)
- What: Ouachita is using the Sofia2 antigen test, a rapid-result swab that has an 96% sensitivity rate (reflects low rate of false negative) and 98% specificity rate (reflects low rate of false positives). This is among the most reliable tests available. For comparison, flu tests are typically about 70% accurate. Results are available within 15-20 minutes while you wait. Following guidance from the Arkansas Department of Health, negative test results from our on-campus antigen tests must be verified by a PCR test; see additional details below.
- Who: All on-campus Ouachita students, employees and family members living with students or employees are eligible for testing at Ouachita. Testing will only be administered to individuals who have active symptoms and who have a doctor’s order. Students who need a doctor’s order may call the Office of Health Services to schedule a telehealth consultation. Employees should contact their primary care physician.
- When: The testing center is open from 8 a.m. to 12 noon each weekday.
- How: Health insurance will be taken, but you may receive a test even if you have no insurance. You will not receive any bill or charges for the testing.
- What else? If you receive a positive test off-campus, please report the results of your test to the Ouachita COVID-19 Testing Center at [email protected] so that we can include you in our internal contact tracing efforts.
Additional PCR Testing
Ouachita also is able to administer PCR swab tests on campus, with results delivered within 48 hours from Natural State Laboratories. This partnership is possible through the Arkansas Department of Health and Arkansas Department of Higher Education. PCR tests are very reliable for screening asymptomatic carriers of COVID-19 and for evaluation of possible false negative results. These tests will be administered as a result of a doctor’s order or at the discretion of Ouachita COVID-19 Testing Center staff.
Confirming Negative Test Results
Following guidance from the Arkansas Department of Health, negative test results from our on-campus antigen tests must be verified by a PCR test. We can conduct these tests at our on-campus clinic immediately following any negative antigen test results, but the PCR test must be sent to an off-campus lab for results, which should return in 24-48 hours.
What does this mean for you?
- If you receive a negative rapid response antigen test in our on-campus testing center, we will administer a PCR test right away.
- While you are waiting on your PCR test results (anticipating 24-48 hours), you must temporarily isolate. You may do this in your residence facility (students) or home (employees or students who live nearby). Stay away from your roommates and family as much as possible; other members of your student family group are not required to quarantine unless your PCR test results are positive. Roommates may choose to stay with a suitemate if they prefer not to stay in the same room. For students living in residence halls, your meals will be delivered to you.
- If you are feeling able, please continue your classwork or office work remotely. This change will increase the use of remote learning and working options, so be prepared to be flexible.
- If your result comes back negative, you may return to normal life. So far, every time we have run a PCR test following a negative antigen test, it has confirmed the negative result.
- If your result comes back positive, you must leave campus to complete isolation until released to return to campus.
On-campus Contact Tracing
- Collaboration: Ouachita has an internal team of about 40 contact tracers that are working closely with and under the direction of the Arkansas Department of Health and UAMS to provide contact tracing support for the campus community. Our on-campus team will focus primarily on residential students, although employees who have been exposed through a Ouachita connection also will be notified by the Ouachita team. UAMS contact tracers also will follow up with cases in the Ouachita community as schedules permit. The ADH will serve as primary contact tracers for employees.
- Support: Our internal contact tracers will provide guidance and support to those who test positive for COVID-19 or who need to be quarantined for exposure to COVID-19. We know it’s a stressful time, and they will be able to guide individuals through the process calmly and clearly. They will call Ouachita students who are in isolation or quarantine daily to check in on them.
- Speed: Our internal contact tracers will be able to act quickly following our rapid on-campus testing to isolate or quarantine individuals to limit spread of the virus as quickly as possible. Close contacts of positive cases will be contacted right away as individuals receive positive tests on campus.
- Confidentiality: Any personal health information will be kept confidential by Ouachita’s professional health services staff. Positive cases will not be identified in contact tracing calls, and both student and staff member contact tracers have been trained on the importance of respecting the privacy of individuals who are involved.
Who is doing all of this?
- Dr. Wesley Kluck, MD, is the university physician supervising and leading these efforts.
- Molly Wallace, RN and director of the Office of Health Services, will provide general health consultation and help individuals determine if they need to be tested.
- Kristin Kesterson, RN, will administer the tests. She has served 9 years as an RN in the Arkadelphia Clinic for Children and Young Adults. We welcome her to serving campus in this important way this semester.
- Kristi Seals is serving in an administrative role to assist with testing and will coordinate the contact tracing team. We’re grateful for her background in medical data entry as she joins us in these efforts.
- Ouachita’s contact tracing team includes ResLife RDs and RAs as well as several natural sciences students. Additionally, Ashleigh Harris, head athletic trainer, will coordinate efforts relating to Ouachita’s student-athletes as needed.
How can you keep track of how Ouachita is doing?
We publish up-to-date numbers of positive on-campus cases and other data at obu.edu/coronavirus. We hope this transparency will be an encouragement as we seek to each do our part to reduce the spread on campus.
Updated Jan. 8, 2021
Where do I go for quarantine or isolation?
No one wants to be quarantined or isolated for COVID-19. However, we must have contingency plans to prepare for that possibility. Because residence facilities at universities were not built to meet CDC guidelines for quarantine/isolation, students are expected to have their own plans of action for quarantine or isolation. Please think through this plan with your family prior to arriving on campus for the fall semester. For the protection of our campus community, students may not remain in on-campus housing for quarantine or isolation, unless living in a Ouachita apartment, and must receive approval from Ouachita Health Services to return. Exceptions may be granted to students unable to return home due to distance or other factors based on availability on campus. Appeals for exceptions will not be accepted in advance. Review CDC recommendations on caring for someone who is sick here.
Prepare a COVID-19 Emergency Bag
In the event that you must leave campus to quarantine or isolate due to COVID-19, we recommend preparing an emergency bag ahead of time to ease stress during that transition. Be prepared to spend about 10 days in isolation or 14 days in quarantine. Once you leave campus, you may not return to your room to retrieve personal items until you are cleared by a physician in order to protect the campus community from exposure. In addition to typical items like clothing, toiletries and other personal hygiene items (feminine products, contact lens solution, etc.), make sure you include:
- Important papers, such as your ID and insurance information
- Cloth face coverings
- Over-the-counter and prescription medications (e.g. acetaminophen, ibuprofen, cough medicine, throat lozenges, cough drops, anti-diarrheal medication, antacids, laxatives)
- Thermometer and first aid kit
- Soap, hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes
- Items needed for classwork: computer, books, notebooks, chargers for electronic devices, etc.
- Paper cups, plates, paper towels and plastic utensils
- Entertainment: books, games, puzzles, electronic devices, etc.
What do I do if I am sick?
- Do not go to class or public spaces if you are sick, even if you test negative for COVID-19; you could test positive later.
- Evaluate if you need to be tested for COVID-19 by contacting Ouachita’s Office of Health Services (OHS) at 870-245-5244, your resident director, apartment manager or resident assistant. You may also use the CDC’s online Self-Checker (report your screening result to OHS).
- If testing is recommended, isolate until you have results.
- If testing is not recommended or you receive negative test results, take care at home or in your residence facility until you are better.
What if I test positive for COVID-19?
- Report your test results to OHS at 870-245-5244 and to your RD/apartment manager (students) or supervisor (employees).
- Isolate at home away from others until released (typically 10 days). (Students: Know your isolation plan ahead of time, and review it with your parents/guardians/host. You cannot stay on campus. Pack necessary supplies for a two-week period.)
- Cooperate with contact tracers by keeping a log of your symptoms and temperature and providing information about those you’ve been in close contact with. Please answer phone calls from unrecognized numbers.
- Continue class/work remotely if your symptoms aren’t severe. Contact your instructors/supervisor to work out the details of remote learning/working. Student Development also will verify students’ absence with instructors.
- Do not return to campus without a release. Contact OHS at 870-245-5244 or [email protected] to obtain a release or to submit a release obtained from another source. Employees should receive a release from the Arkansas Department of Health or their physician. Be sure to bring a copy of your release with you to campus to show your supervisor or others who request it.
What do I do if I’m exposed to someone who tests positive for COVID-19?
- Evaluate if you are considered a “close contact” with the individual. For students, this includes your Student Family Group and possibly
your athletic team. For everyone, this includes being within 6 feet for 15 minutes
or more of the positive individual. See the CDC’s definition of a close contact.
- If you are not a “close contact,” carry on as usual and continue monitoring your symptoms.
- If you have tested positive for COVID-19 in the last three months, you do not need to quarantine unless you develop symptoms again. Carry on as usual.
- If you are a “close contact,” quarantine immediately.
- If you develop symptoms, get a COVID-19 test immediately.
- If you do not develop symptoms, get a COVID-19 test 3-5 days after exposure.
- If you test positive, refer to the process above.
- If you test negative, remain in quarantine for the complete 14 days; the infection can begin any time in the 14 day period, even after your negative result.
- Report your exposure to OHS at 870-245-5244 and to your RD/apartment manager (students) or supervisor (employees).
- Quarantine for 14 days since your last exposure and monitor for symptoms of COVID-19. (If you have tested positive for COVID-19 in the last three months, you do not have to quarantine unless you develop symptoms again.)
- Cooperate with contact tracers as they check in on your symptoms and temperature. Please answer phone calls from unrecognized numbers.
- Continue class or work remotely. Contact your instructors/supervisor to work out the details of remote learning/working. Student Development also will verify students’ absence with instructors.
- Do not return to campus without a release. Contact OHS at 870-245-5244 or [email protected] to obtain a release or to submit a release obtained from another source. Employees should receive a release from the Arkansas Department of Health or their physician. Be sure to bring a copy of your release with you to campus to show your supervisor or others who request it.
Updated Jan. 8, 2021
We recognize that certain individuals are at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19 or have health conditions that will make following COVID-19 guidelines difficult. Read more online about our Accommodations for Residential Students. Faculty and staff needing accommodations should refer to the internal Human Resources website for more information.
Students who do not qualify for accommodations for health reasons but believe their circumstances warrant a COVID-19-related exception to the policy requiring their return to campus may submit a written request to their dean via email. See "Other Exceptions" on the Accommodations for Residential Students webpage.
If you fall into a high-risk category, we recommend also consulting with your physician and consulting these CDC recommendations for additional protection measures.
Updated Jan. 8, 2021
Additional sanitation processes will be carried out by facilities management staff across campus throughout the semester; additionally, self-service sanitation supplies will be available in every classroom. Disinfecting foggers will be used nightly in classrooms and other indoor public spaces. Extra touchless hand sanitizer stations will be available in public spaces throughout campus and refilled nightly.
Updated July 30, 2020
Because COVID-19 spreads through airborne droplets, Ouachita has consulted with HVAC and air science specialists to make adjustments to Ouachita’s indoor air flow to reduce the airborne spread of the virus above and beyond on-going measures like cleaning filtration systems and air quality tests. Beyond the advantages these changes bring against the spread of COVID-19, they also will help reduce the spread of other particles, such as other diseases or allergens.
- More fresh air: Several research efforts have shown a significant benefit of more outside fresh air into buildings. When possible, safe and not distracting, windows and doors will be opened to increase fresh air flow. Additionally, when possible, HVAC units in some facilities are being adjusted to pull in more outside air.
- Additional building-wide filtration: HVAC units across campus will feature new iWave filters that clean the air for the whole building using bi-polar ionization. They have been shown to reduce particles related to COVID-19 by up to 99.4% depending on how long the air is in the chamber.
- Optimized HVAC settings: Higher temperature and humidity decrease the spread of COVID-19 particles. As possible, temperature and humidity settings in campus buildings will be increased within comfortable and healthy limits.
- More UV light: Ultraviolet light has been shown to decrease the lifespan of COVID-19. You may see more open windows or outdoor classes and activities this semester.
- Physical barriers: Barriers such as air flow dispersers on air units that blow horizontally through a room or plexiglass shields in high traffic areas will help minimize air flow from person to person.
- Supplemental filters for small rooms: Portable units including HEPA filters and UV-C light are available in every classroom and many other office or meeting spaces throughout campus. (If you are interested in purchasing one for your individual dorm room, apartment or home, we recommend an air purifier designed for small rooms with a “True HEPA filter,” which are typically $80-150.)
These efforts don’t supersede the need for individuals wear masks and maintain physical distancing. They can help purify the air overall but don’t draw away particles quickly from unexpected coughs, sneezes or the like.
Updated Jan. 8, 2021
Evans Student Center and Gathering Spaces: For all indoor campus life spaces such as Evans Student Center, we’ll follow guidelines for masks and physical distancing. We’ll also make Walker Conference Center and selected classrooms available in the evenings for social and study spaces. We anticipate increased use of our outdoor spaces such as the Evans Student Center overlook balcony, Neighbor’s Table and Ouachita Singers and Rachel Fuller Memorial Amphitheatre and have added more picnic tables across campus.
Large Gatherings (Chapel, Fine Arts Events, Tiger Tunes, etc.): Large indoor gatherings for Chapel, fine arts events, and other purposes will be governed by the latest guidance in regard to attendance. Current guidelines restricting attendance and maintaining social distancing will prevent many large gatherings from happening as they typically do. Chapel is being conducted virtually, and Tiger Tunes will not be held in the Spring semester. There is a reduced schedule of fine arts events, and in-person events will have limited seating for on-campus guests only and observe physical distancing.
Social Life: Part of the Ouachita experience is a diverse and robust number of organizations and activities. Some events may need to be very different or even postponed to the spring. Our students are creative, and we’ll be creative together in adjusting our traditions and programs and in discovering new ways to interact together.
Athletics: Working with the NCAA and the Great American Conference, practices and spring competitions are in session with health protocols in place. The Ouachita Sports Digital Network will continue their good work of livestreaming sporting events online as much as possible.
Updated March 31, 2021
Our various campus dining options will follow the most recent guidelines by the CDC and Arkansas Department of Health, which are subject to change.
Getting Food
- To-go options will increase, including moving “Tiger Express” to the lobby of Walker
near the Commons for easier access.
- Evans Food Court will be staff-served rather than self service.
- Selections in Evans Food Court will be streamlined to expedite service to minimize
crowds, including the addition of combo meals at Chick-fil-A and Tiger Grill and a
limited menu at Sandella's.
- Single use utensils and plates will be made more available, and reusable utensils
will be pre-wrapped for each individual.
- Simple Servings and options for special dietary needs still will be available.
- Traffic flow has been re-routed to allow for physical distancing while you wait in
line, as you choose your meal and as you exit.
- Signage and extra staff will be available to help you.
- Seating in Ouachita Commons will be reduced to meet current Arkansas Department of Health guidelines.
- In Evans Student Center, all tables will be removed from the food court to allow space for distanced lines and service.
- Tables will replace the couches near Dr. Jack’s Coffeehouse, and plexiglass barriers are being installed between booths.
- Use of outdoor spaces for dining will be encouraged, such as the existing Evans Student Center overlook balcony and Neighbor’s Table and picnic tables across campus.
- Dining Services staff will wear recommended PPE and will execute elevated cleaning protocols, including cleaning and disinfection after each table is used.
- Additional plexiglass barriers will be in place throughout the dining facilities, and touchless ID card scanning will be available.
- Self-serve sanitation supplies also will be available to individuals in the dining facilities.
- Diners are required to wear masks in the dining facilities any time they are not actively eating or drinking.
BITE by Sodexo App
Download the all new BITE App that provides up-to-date dining information to help you navigate our menus and make your dining plans.
- Review daily dining menus, nutritional values, food allergens, gluten free options, hours of operation and more!
- Deciding on your menu choices before entering the Commons and retail locations will help reduce wait times and support physical distancing & capacity guidelines set by the Arkansas Health Department and CDC.
- App available for iPhone and Google.
Updated March 31, 2021
Classroom Spaces: Ouachita has sufficient academic space to conduct most of our classes in person while observing CDC guidelines on six-foot physical distancing. Each classroom is configured for a “COVID-19 capacity” based on this standard. Campus auditoriums and other large spaces, such as Walker Conference Center, will make it possible for even our largest classes to meet at their scheduled times. Some lab courses, practicums, studio and performance-based classes may also require alternate arrangements, such as a combination of face-to-face and remote instruction. To reduce the risks of virus transmission, students will be required to wear face coverings in class.
Course Delivery Methods: Ouachita will provide as much face-to-face classroom instruction as possible, consistent with health and safety guidelines to protect students, faculty and staff. In some cases, the installation of new instructional technology will allow students who are not present to participate remotely. Faculty are also working to expand their use of Moodle and other remote learning tools to make class content available through a variety of methods. If a faculty member is in a high-risk category, additional adjustments may be made to their classes.
Updated Jan. 8, 2021
Faculty and staff are expected to follow the same campus-wide health protocols as students; a summary follows. For students, keep these in mind as you enter administrative or academic offices or complete work study assignments.
Personal Health & Safety Practices
- Symptom Monitoring: Employees and students must conduct symptom monitoring every day before reporting to campus. You must be free of new, sudden onset symptoms potentially related to COVID-19. If you are experiencing any symptoms, you must be cleared by your physician (or for students, Ouachita’s Office of Health Services) before reporting to work or class on campus.
- International Travel: Employees and students returning from international travel must complete the health screening at obu.edu/covid19screening before returning to campus. (All non-essential Ouachita-sponsored trips are canceled until further notice. Individuals planning personal travel are encouraged to exercise caution and follow CDC and Arkansas Department of Health recommendations for travel.)
- Handwashing and Disinfection of commonly used surfaces is (e.g. copiers, printers, coffee makers, light switches, door knobs) is the responsibility of each employee. Facilities staff will focus on common spaces for disinfecting routines, not individual offices. We recommend disinfecting your own office space when you begin to work and prior to leaving any room in which you have been working.
- Departments should assess all work areas, including meeting rooms, to institute measures to physically separate and increase distance between employees, other coworkers and students, including visual cues/signage to encourage physical distancing and control traffic flow. Restroom occupancy should be limited to ensure at least 6 feet distance between individuals, except when in separate stalls. Elevators should not have more than one person in them at a time. Employees are strongly encouraged to remove “call to enter” signs and to re-open offices and suites to walk-in foot traffic.
In general, be respectful: As a reminder, be respectful of individuals’ varying comfort levels or health concerns in office spaces across campus. Pay attention to special instructions that are posted for various offices; do not enter a faculty or staff member’s office without asking; and call or email ahead to schedule meetings rather than popping in unannounced.
Mask and distancing flexibility for employees
Because all Ouachita employees have had the opportunity to be vaccinated, we’re able to make the following adjustments to campus protocols in light of the CDC's guidelines for vaccinated individuals:
- For employee-only meetings, if all have been fully vaccinated (two weeks after their second Moderna or Pfizer dose or two weeks after their single Johnson & Johnson dose), no masks or distancing are required.
- For employee-only meetings in which not all present have been fully vaccinated, you may maintain either mask wearing or physical distancing but do not have to do both. If you are leading a meeting and do not know the status of those in the room, we suggest maintaining physical distancing and reminding participants of the option to additionally wear a mask according to their comfort level.
- Employees – even if fully vaccinated – should continue following mask and distancing
protocols among students and in mixed-use spaces such as classrooms, hallways, Evans
Student Center, etc.:
- Face Masks/Cloth Face Coverings are required in all campus buildings unless you are working alone in an office. Masks should be worn by any employee in a reception/receiving area. Masks should be used in narrow hallways, conference rooms and other meeting locations.
- Physical Distancing should be used throughout campus, including in office spaces and meeting rooms. Offices/Office Space should allow for at least 6 feet of distance between co-workers who have not been vaccinated. Wear a face mask while in a shared work space with others who have not been vaccinated.
Updated March 17, 2021
Student Family Groups: Within a residence hall, based on shared bathrooms and common spaces, each student is assigned to a “Student Family Group” (SFG). Within your SFG, expectations about physical distancing and face masks are relaxed.
Increased Cleaning Protocols: Enhanced cleaning in all common areas and high-touch surfaces will be added to current procedures. These protocols will follow CDC guidelines for cleaning and disinfecting facilities for COVID-19.
Updated Jan. 8, 2021
Individuals planning personal travel are encouraged to exercise caution and follow CDC and Arkansas Department of Health recommendations for travel. Members of the Ouachita community who travel internationally must complete the screening at obu.edu/covid19screening before returning to campus.
Guests to buildings on campus should maintain social distancing while on campus and wear a mask indoors. To schedule a tour with the Office of Admissions Counseling, see obu.edu/visit.
Updated April 1, 2021
- Quarantine: Separating yourself from others because you have been in close contact with someone who has had COVID-19. Quarantine lasts 14 days from your last close contact with someone who has COVID-19. People in quarantine should stay home, social distance from others in the household and monitor their health. Learn more about quarantine from the CDC.
- Isolation: Separating yourself from others because you are infected with COVID-19 or because you are waiting on a COVID-19 test result. People in isolation should stay home away from others. (Consult with your physician about additional care if illness is severe.) Isolation lasts at least 10 days since symptoms first appeared, at least 24 hours with no fever (without medication) and should be exhibiting no symptoms. For asymptomatic individuals, isolation lasts 10 days since the date of the positive test. Learn more about isolation from the CDC.
- Contact Tracing: Contact tracing is a public health strategy that identifies and monitors individuals who have come in contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 to educate them on best practices for quarantine. When executed quickly, this helps prevent the spread of the virus.
- Asymptomatic: To have COVID-19 but not exhibit any symptoms of the virus. Asymptomatic individuals are still contagious, which is why masks, distancing, hygiene and quarantine measures are in place for even those who feel well.
- Close Contact: A close contact for quarantine and contact tracing purposes is defined as being within 6 feet of an individual for 15 minutes or longer (regardless of face coverings). For Ouachita students, this automatically includes your Student Family Group (roommates, suitemates or hallmates, depending on your residence hall). Athletics teams who engage in close contact also are included. Others also are considered close contacts if they cross the 6-feet + 15-minute barrier. If you follow the new spacing requirements for seating in classes, you are not considered a close contact of your classmates.
Updated Jan. 8, 2021
If you have a question or concern that isn’t addressed above, complete the following form to submit it for consideration. With many plans in process, it’s possible that it is already being evaluated but details have not yet been released. Keep checking this page for additional updates. Form submissions may not each receive individual responses.