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Degrees and Courses

Degrees in Biology


Courses in Biology

The course descriptions provided here are for informational purposes only. The university catalog supersedes any information contained here. If you have questions about prerequisites, co-requisites, or course substitutions, please contact Dr. Taylor. A blank pre-registration schedule is available for students and advisors.

1011 Freshman Research Experience
Students will conduct guided, independent laboratory research. Corequisite: BIOL 1014. Fall.

1014 General Biology: Zoology
A study of the animal kingdom from the standpoint of systematics with emphasis upon the progressive advances of tissue organization, physiology and reproductive adaptation. Fall, Spring.

1024 General Biology: Botany
A study of the plant kingdom from the standpoint of systematics with emphasis on the progressive advances of tissue organization, physiology and reproductive adaptation, including a consideration of ecological principles and economic importance of the major plant groups. Fall, Spring.

2014 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
A study of the organization of the body, its tissues and the structure and functional relationships in the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems. Prerequisite: four hours of Biology. Fall.

2024 Human Anatomy and Physiology II
A continuation of BIOL 2104 concentrating on the cardiovascular, endocrine, respiratory, digestive, excretory and reproductive systems. Prerequisite: four hours of Biology. Spring.

2604 Applied Microbiology
An introduction to the study of bacteria and other microbial life forms from the standpoint of classification, morphology, physiology and environmental factors, and of the relation of bacteria to water, foods, industrial processes and diseases. Emphasis is given to clinical and applied techniques of microbiological processes for pre-nursing and allied health students.. Prerequisite: four hours of Biology. Fall.

3014 Microbiology
A study of bacteria and other life forms from the standpoint of classification, morphology, physiology and environmental factors, and of the relation of bacteria to water, foods, industrial processes and diseases. Prerequisites: four hours of Biology; eight hours of Chemistry; junior standing. Fall.

3034 Ecology
A study of the principles governing the relationships between plants, animals and their environment. Consideration is given to local aquatic and terrestrial communities. Prerequisites: BIOL 1014, 1024, and four hours of Chemistry. Fall.

3064 Neuroscience
An introduction to the biological substrate of behavior and experience, especially as expressed in neuroanatomy, neurophysiology and behavioral neuroscience. Prerequisite: CORE 2323 or BIOL 1014. Also listed as as PSYC 3064. Spring.

3663 Introduction to Wildlife Conservation and Management
This course will introduce the principles governing the conservation and management of fish and wildlife. The course will include a brief introduction to the history of management followed by an emphasis on conservation and management from both a broad ecological perspective and an urban perspective. Prerequisites: BIOL 1014, 1024, and 3034. Spring of odd years.

3681 Biomedical Sciences Seminar
This variable topics seminar course will expose students to current topics in biomedical sciences. BIOL students may take this course one time for credit. Pre- or co-requisite: BIOL 2014 or permission of instructor. Also listed as BIOM 3681. Fall.

3683 Introduction to Bioinformatics
An introduction to bioinformatics concepts and techniques in the framework of genomics. Prerequisites: BIOL 1014 or BIOL 2014 and 8 hours of Chemistry; or CORE 2334 and a C or higher in CSCI 1064; or consent of instructor. Spring.

3801, 3802 or 4341, 4342 Internship
Internships must relate to the emphasis of the student’s coursework (lab or field) and must be approved in advance by the Department Chair and the Dean of Natural Sciences. The course will be graded on a Satisfactory-Unsatisfactory basis where Satisfactory is defined as a grade of C or higher. On Demand.

3801-3894 or 4801-4894 Individual Study, Group Study, Research
This course is offered to provide competent students an opportunity to do independent study and research. Prior to registration, a student is required to obtain approval from a professor in the department who consents to serve as faculty supervisor. For Travel Study trips, multiple trips may be taken, but only one travel course will count toward the minimum hours for a biology major or minor. Prerequisite: Permission of supervising faculty member and department chairman. On Demand.

4001 Experimental Research
A course in lab or field research in biological science. Course may be taken only once for credit. Prerequisite: BIOL 1014, 1024, and eight additional hours in Biology, twelve hours of Chemistry. Fall, Spring.

4013 Histology and Microtechniques
Lecture and lab dealing with primary tissues of vertebrate animals. A practical course laboratory technicians, premedical students and other biology students. Prerequisite: BIOL 2014 and 2024 or consent of instructor. Spring.

4054 Genetics
This course is a study of the basic principles, theories and mechanisms of heredity in the context of historical Mendelian approaches and modern molecular techniques. It will address transmission genetics, population genetics, quantitative genetics and molecular genetics. The course incorporates recent research in the presentation and analytical evaluation of course material with a focus on laboratory techniques and molecular mechanisms. Prerequisites: MATH 2063, eight hours of Biology, and eight hours of Chemistry. Spring.

4064 Cell and Molecular Biology
This course is designed to address general and specific principles of cellular and molecular biology. The course covers basic chemical and physical concepts important to understanding cellular and molecular processes, cell membrane structure and function, storage and expression of genetic information, signal transduction, synthesis and function of cellular membrane systems, cellular interactions, cytoskeletal structure and function, and the cell cycle. The course incorporates recent research in the presentation and analytical evaluation of course material with a focus on laboratory techniques and molecular mechanisms. Prerequisites: BIOL 1014, 2014 or 2024, 8 hours of chemistry. Recommended: CHEM 3004 and 3104. Fall.

4281, 4282 Laboratory Teaching Internship
Student interns will assist the instructor in the preparation and instruction of a laboratory course. Interns will engage in individual and small group instruction during laboratory, will be prepared to answer questions related to weekly lab exercises, will assist in the preparation, administration and grading of lab assignments and exams, and will be formally evaluated by the faculty instructor a minimum of two times during the semester. Student interns may be required to design a laboratory exercise and or create exam questions. Students must have completed 16 hours of biology and complete a written application. Satisfactory / unsatisfactory based on instructor’s requirements. On Demand.

4243 Infectious Disease
This course covers general and specific principles of immunology, epidemiology, pathogenic microbiology, and parasitology. This course relies heavily on students interpretation of scientific literature. Prerequisites: BIOL 3014 or 2604, eight hours of Chemistry, Junior standing. Spring of odd years.

4643 Medical Physics
A study of the application of basic physics principles to the workings of the body and medical instrumentation. Prerequisites: BIOL 2024 and PHYS 2034 (College Physics II) or PHYS 2064 (University Physics II). Also listed as BIOL 4643 and PHYS 4643. Spring.

4783 On the Ouachita
An interdisciplinary and place-based approach to environmental sciences. The course incorporates perspectives from disciplines such as history, natural science, ecology and leisure studies and requires field work after the end of the regular semester. On Demand.


Other Courses in Natural Sciences

NSCI 2001 Health Professions Seminar
A seminar course for those students interested in pursuing a health professions career. Periodic presentations will be offered by visiting health professional representatives. A health fair will also be offered. Students must keep a log of events attended. This log will be required for all students who wish to conduct a mock interview with the Health Professions Committee prior to applying for professional school. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or higher. Fall.

NSCI 3001 Readings in Natural Science.
A self-paced reading course for Natural Science students to acquaint them with general readings in the natural sciences. Prerequsite: Sophomore standing. Course is offered on a Satisfactory-Unsatisfactory basis. Fall, Spring.

NSCI 4002 Medical Terminology
A programmed course designed to meet objectives related to career goals in biological and health related fields such medical secretary, medical technology, nursing, dental hygiene and athletic training. Fall, Winter.

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