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Teaching Continuity Tools


MoFlex Carts

Quick Start Guide



Moodle live training recording Use your OBU email and password to log in and view the live training video. Timestamps are available under the “See more” link to allow you to go to specific sections of the video. 

Learn Moodle Basic – a free four week online course

Learn Moodle 3.9 - YouTube playlist of brief video tutorials


Zoom live training recording Use your OBU email and password to log in and view the live training video. Timestamps are available under the “See more” link to allow you to go to specific sections of the video.

How to use Zoom with Moodle

How to Zoom YouTube Channel

Zoom Help Center

Remote Instruction Resources

All active classes in a semester have a corresponding Moodle course (shell) even if they are face-to-face classes. This facilitates your ability to transition to remote instruction.  You can continue basic classroom activities in an online format:


Communicating with Students

There are a number of online tools available you may use to communicate with your students. Choose a method that works best for you.

  • Announcement forum
    • Moodle has an Announcement forum in every course that allows you to post a message in your course and the message is also sent as an email to your students. The Faculty FAQ in Moodle provides instruction for using the Announcements forum.
  • Quickmail
    • Moodle has Quickmail that allows you to send emails to some or all of the students in your class. The Faculty FAQ in Moodle provides instruction on using Quickmail
  • Messaging
    • Moodle has a message interface (different than email) that will allow you to send messages to some or all students.
  • Outlook
    • Outlook has class groups to allow you to send an email directly to your students by using the sequence number of the course. For example, if you have a class with sequence number 1164 you could send an email to [email protected] and all the students in that class would receive your message. If your sequence number is less than 4 numbers, precede the number with zeros ([email protected]) You can send the messages from the Outlook program installed on your office computer or through Outlook web mail.
  • Virtual office hours
  • Discussion in real-time
    • Discussion in real-time can take place by using Zoom.
    • Use Zoom Breakout Rooms if you need to divide your students into groups
  • Live text chat
    • Live text chat with students can be accomplished using Moodle Chat.
  • Asynchronous discussions


Delivering lectures

For synchronous lectures use Zoom

For asynchronous options

  • Use Zoom to pre-record, and then share a lecture with students.
  • Record a narrated presentation (narrated PowerPoint) and include it in your course.
  • Other things you can upload or link in your Moodle courses are-
    • Podcasts or audio files
    • Case studies
    • Images
    • Charts and graphs 


Providing handouts

  • Upload files such as PDF, Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoint presentations, etc. to Moodle. (Moodle has a 100 MB size limit per file so if your file is larger than that, upload it to OneDrive then share the file and provide a link in Moodle to the shared file.)
  • Provide links to websites, videos, case studies, etc. 


Assigning, collecting, and grading student work


Administering tests/exams/quizzes


Encouraging student participation and managing group work

  • Be “present” in your course by “checking in” to your course frequently.
  • Grade assignments in a timely manner.
  • Provide timely and meaningful feedback.
  • Use Announcements to keep the class current and personal.
  • Provide individual and collective messages of encouragement.
  • Use the groups feature in Moodle to encourage student collaboration.
  • OneDrive can also be used for collaboration. See the video on Getting Started with OneDrive. When prompted log in with your OBU email and password. Look for the See more link to reveal topic timestamps.


Checking Attendance

If you are using Zoom there are two ways to track attendance by asking each student to “sign in” using the Chat function. One is to record the session and the chat will be included. The second is to save a file of the Chat by finding File at the bottom right of the chat window, clicking on the three dots (…) and choosing Save Chat.

If you are conducting the class asynchronously (i.e., not within a specified time period) monitor student responses to online quizzes, written responses, or other assignments as a way to track participation. Monitoring asynchronous participation can be facilitated by using Moodle. 



Tips for Remote Advising and Preregistration

Next Steps
