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Ouachita Stories

Kevin Merino

From the "Ouachitonian": Kevin Merino

October 17, 2022

The Ravine Rovers began their journey during the first semester of the 2021-2022 academic year at Ouachita as a group of students looking for an organized league in which to play soccer. The team was initially created by Kevin Merino, a senior biology major from Wylie, Texas, and Logan Daust, a senior business administration/sport management major from Plano, Texas.

Jaymee Dotson

From the "Ouachitonian": Jaymee Dotson

October 17, 2022

Many university students begin college life and choose to become involved in something that brings them joy and fulfillment, and this case is no different with soccer player Jaymee Dotson, a senior kinesiology/leisure pre-professional studies major from Princeton, Texas. At the age of six, Dotson developed a deep appreciation for the sport, a passion that continues as she reflected upon God’s plan in bringing her to Ouachita through her devotion to soccer.
