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Ouachita Stories

Bill Phelps

From the "Ouachitonian": Bill Phelps

August 09, 2021

Coming to Ouachita as a student many years ago, Bill Phelps never could have imagined being at Ouachita for 36 years. Studying history and planning to attend law school, programming and IT were far from Phelps’ radar at the time. The trajectory of his future changed forever whenever he became willing to try something new.

Kevin Herrington

Pandemic Profiles: Kevin Herrington, Network Services Administrator

November 18, 2020

When Ouachita sent students home for an extended Spring Break in March of 2020, it took some by surprise. Thankfully, Ouachita's Kevin Herrington and the Office of IT Services had already been working on contingency plans for the possibility of remote learning.
