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Graduate & Professional Studies Financial Aid & Cost Information

Ouachita Baptist University has the following aid options available to graduate students.

Federal Aid Options

To apply for federal aid, you must file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid at studentaid.gov. Students enrolled in a graduate program are considered independent on the FAFSA and are not required to include parental information.

Direct Unsubsidized Student Loan – Graduate students can take out up to $20,500 per year in the Unsubsidized Loan. Visit studentaid.gov for more information on current fees and interest rates.

Graduate Plus Loan – Once a graduate student has exhausted their unsubsidized loan eligibility, the Graduate Plus loan can be taken out in an amount up to the student’s cost of attendance. This loan is taken out in the student’s name, and a credit check is required. Visit studentaid.gov for more information on current fees and interest rates.

Teach Grant – The Teach Grant is available to both undergraduate and graduate students who are willing to teach full time for at least four years in a high-need field at a low-income elementary school, secondary school, or educational service agency. Interested students should submit the Teach Grant Request Form.

Teacher Opportunity Program – the Teacher Opportunity Program offers tuition reimbursement to Arkansas teachers and administrators for up to 6 college credit hours completed each academic year. Apply at sams.adhe.edu from Oct. 1-June 1 for the following academic year.

Private Aid Options

Scholarships: Ouachita endeavors to price our graduate programs at an hourly rate that offers the best value we can provide. Because of this, our institutional scholarship offerings are limited. We are aware of a few private scholarships that are available to students at the graduate level. To learn more, view the "Scholarships Available to Graduate Students" tab through the following button:

View List

Loans: Private alternative loans offer a little more flexibility than federal loans, but may lack some of the repayment benefits. A credit check is required, and the interest rate will be based on the applicant’s credit. Sometimes a cosigner will be required. The interest rates can range from 3% to 12% and could potentially be lower than the interest rate on a federal loan.

Learn more

Please reach out to Gina Tolbert at [email protected] if you have any questions about financial aid for any of our graduate programs.

*Students must be enrolled in a degree seeking program to be eligible to receive federal aid at Ouachita. Students who are non-degree seeking or who are enrolled in a certificate program are not eligible to receive federal aid at Ouachita, but are eligible to pursue private aid options.

Payment Options

All students are required to complete online check-in each semester, usually held a little over a week prior to classes starting. Financial Aid must be finalized prior to online check-in, and any remaining balance may be paid in full or in monthly installments over the course of the semester, with the first payment due during online check-in for the semester. Each semester must be paid in full before a student may begin the next semester. Students have two options for paying their balance each term:

  1. Pay balance for the semester in full during online check-in.
  2. Pay in monthly installments. Graduate students can pay their tuition balance in 5 monthly payments over the course of the fall and spring semesters, and in 2 monthly payments over the summer term (3 monthly payments are allowed if the summer term includes a May term). The first payment is due during online check-in, and subsequent payments are due the 15th of each following month. Accounts not paid in full by the first day of class each semester will automatically be placed on a monthly payment plan. A $35 payment plan fee will be charged each semester that a payment plan is used.


View the costs estimates for each individual program here:

Tuition and fees are determined by the Board of Trustees and updated annually.

2024-2025 Online ABA Program Cost of Attendance

  • Tuition per graduate credit hour: $750
  • Estimated total tuition and fees for full 36-hour program: $27,770


Estimated Cost of Attendance

Year 1 Students

2024-25 ABA Estimated Cost of Attendance
  Fall 2024
7 hours
Spring 2025
7 hours
Summer 2025
7 hours
1. Tuition ($750 per hour) $5,250 $5,250 $5,250
2. Fees $130 $130 $130
3. Food & Housing $4,770 $4,770 $3,180
4. Books & Supplies $550 $550 $550
5. Personal Expenses $3,096 $3,096 $2,064
6. Transportation $972 $972 $648
7. Total Annual Cost of Attendance $41,358
8. Direct Cost to OBU (Tuition & Fees only) $5,380 $5,380 $5,380

Year 2 Students

2024-25 ABA Estimated Cost of Attendance
  Fall 2024*
8 hours
Spring 2025*
7 hours
1. Tuition ($750 per hour) $6,000 $5,250
2. Fees $130 $230
3. Food & Housing $4,770 $4,770
4. Books & Supplies $550 $550
5. Personal Expenses $3,096 $3,096
6. Transportation $972 $972
7. Estimated Annual Cost of Attendance $30,386
8. Direct Cost to OBU (Tuition & Fees only) $6,130 $5,480
1. Tuition – $750 PER CREDIT HOUR
2. Fees – Technology Fee: $130 per semester in 2024-25. Graduation Fee: $100 in final semester.
3. Food & Housing – Ouachita uses the College Board figures from regional surveys. Off campus monthly budget is $1,060.
4. Books & Supplies – Cost listed is an estimate
5. Personal Expenses – Includes personal items, haircuts, clothing, etc. Also includes cap and gown, background checks, health related expenses (shots and exams), insurance and professional memberships.
6. Transportation – covers use of a car or public transportation. Not intended for purchase of car.
*The Master of Science and Master of Arts programs will offer the same amount of hours in Year 1. However, in Year 2 of the ABA program, the Master of Science will offer 8 hours in the fall and 7 hours in the spring, while the Master of Arts will offer the opposite – 7 hours in the fall and 8 hours in the spring. The overall cost will be the same.

2023-24 ABA Estimated Cost of Attendance Worksheet
  YEAR 1
Fall 2023
7 hrs
Spring 2024
7 hrs
Summer 2024
7 hrs
Fall 2024
8 hrs
Spring 2025
7 hrs
1. Tuition ($750 per credit hour) $5,250 $5,250 $5,250 $6,000 $5,250
2. Fees $125 $125 $125 $130 $180
3. Food/Housing $4,464 $4,464 $2,976 $4,464 $4,464
4. Books/Supplies $550 $550 $550 $550 $550
5. Personal Expenses $3,033 $3,033 $2,022 $3,032 $3,032
6. Transportation $923 $923 $615 $923 $923
7. Estimated Total Cost of Attendance $14,345 $14,345 $11,538 $15,099 $14,399
8. Direct Cost to OBU (tuition and fees only) $5,375 $5,375 $5,375 $6,130 $5,430
1. Tuition – $750 PER CREDIT HOUR
2. Fees – Technology Fee: $125 per semester in 2023-24, $130 in 2024-25. Graduation fee: $50 in final semester.
3. Food & Housing – Ouachita uses the College Board figures from regional surveys. Off campus monthly budget is $992.
4. Books & Supplies – Costs listed is an estimate.
5. Personal Expenses – Includes personal items, haircuts, etc. Also includes cap and gown, background checks, health related expenses (shots and exams), insurance and professional memberships.
6. Transportation – Covers the use of a car or public transportation.
*The Master of Science and Master of Arts programs will offer the same amount of hours in Year 1.  However, in Year 2 of the ABA program, the Master of Science will offer 8 hours in the fall and 7 hours in the spring, while the Master of Arts will offer the opposite – 7 hours in the fall and 8 hours in the spring. The overall cost will be the same.

2024-2025 Curriculum and Instruction Degree Cost of Attendance

  • Tuition per graduate credit hour: $500
  • Estimated total tuition and fees for full 30-hour program: $15,390*

*based on full-time attendance


Estimated Cost of Attendance

2024-25 Curriculum & Instruction Estimated Cost of Attendance
  Fall 2024
12 hours
Spring 2025
12 hours
Summer 2025
6 hours
1. Tuition ($500 per hour) $6,000 $6,000 $3,000
2. Fees $130 $130 $230
3. Food & Housing $4,770 $4,770 $2,120
4. Books & Supplies $550 $550 $275
5. Personal Expenses $3,096 $3,096 $1,376
6. Transportation $972 $972 $432
7. Total Annual Cost of Attendance $38,469
8. Direct Cost to OBU (tuition and fees only) $6,130 $6,130 $3,230
1. Tuition – $500 PER CREDIT HOUR. Cost will vary based on the number of hours student is enrolled.
2. Fees – $130 Technology Fee per semester and a $100 graduation fee in the final semester.
3. Food & Housing – Ouachita uses the College Board figures from regional surveys. Off campus monthly budget is $1,060.
4. Books & Supplies – Costs listed is an estimate.
5. Personal Expenses – Includes personal items, haircuts, etc. Also includes cap and gown.
6. Transportation – Covers the use of a car or public transportation.

2023-24 Curriculum & Instruction Estimated Cost of Attendance Worksheet
  Fall 2023
6 hrs
Spring 2024
6 hrs
Summer 2024
3 hrs
1. Tuition ($500 per hour) $3,000 $3,000 $1,500
2. Fees $125 $125 $125
3. Food/Housing $4,464 $4,464 $1,984
4. Books/Supplies $550 $550 $275
5. Personal Expenses $3,032 $3,032 $1,348
6. Transportation $923 $923 $410
7. Estimated Total Cost of Attendance $12,094 $12,094 $5,642
8. Direct Cost to OBU (tuition and fees only) $3,125 $3,125 $1,625
1. Tuition – $500 PER CREDIT HOUR. Cost will vary based on the number of hours student is enrolled.
2. Fees – $125 Technology Fee per semester and a $50 graduation fee in the final semester.
3. Food & Housing – Ouachita uses the College Board figures from regional surveys. Off campus monthly budget is $992.
4. Books & Supplies – Costs listed is an estimate.
5. Personal Expenses – Includes personal items, haircuts, etc. Also includes cap and gown.
6. Transportation – Covers the use of a car or public transportation.
Tuition per graduate credit hour: $750
Estimated total tuition and fees for 36-hour M.S. in Nutrition and Dietetic Internship program: $27,685

Additional scholarship information can be found through the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation.

Estimated Cost of Attendance

Year 1 Students

2024-25 MSDI Estimated Cost of Attendance
  Fall 2024
9 hours
online & on campus
Spring 2025
9 hours
online & on campus
Summer 2025
9 hours
1. Tuition ($750 per hr) $6,750 $6,750 $6,750
2. Fees $205 $170 $130
3. Food & Housing $4,770 $4,770 $3,180
4. Books & Supplies $858 $550 $500
5. Personal Expenses $3,096 $3,096 $2,064
6. Transportation $972 $972 $648
7. Total Annual Cost of Attendance $46,231
8. Direct Cost to OBU (Tuition & Fees only) $6,955 $6,920 $6,880

Year 2 Students

2024-25 MSDI Estimated Cost of Attendance
  Fall 2024
9 hours
online & on campus
1. Tuition ($750 per hr) $6,750
2. Fees $230
3. Food & Housing $4,770
4. Books & Supplies $565
5. Personal Expenses $3,096
6. Transportation $972
7. Total Annual Cost of Attendance $16,383
8. Direct Cost to OBU (Tuition & Fees only) $6,980
1. Tuition: $750 PER CREDIT HOUR. Each semester will consist of 9 credit hours.
2. Fees: Technology Fee: $130 per semester
Parking Fee: $40 in Fall and Spring of Year 1
Lab Fee: $35 in Fall of Year 1
Graduation Fee: $100 in Fall of Year 2
3. Food & Housing: Ouachita uses the College Board figures from regional surveys. Off-campus budget is $1,060 per month.
4. Books & Supplies: $500 per semester. In Fall of Year 1: added the cost of a lab coat, 2 sets of scrubs, typhon group student tracking system, student membership to "A.N.D." In SPRING: added conference fee. Final semester includes $65 cap and gown cost.
5. Personal Expenses: Background check, drug screen, physical exam, vaccinations / immunizations, Health insurance, Liability insurance, RD exam cost, clothing, personal items, haircuts, entertainment, etc.
6. Transportation: Covers use of a car or public transportation. Not intended for purchase of car. 

2023-24 MSDI Estimated Cost of Attendance Worksheet
  Fall 2023
9 hrs
online & on campus
Spring 2024
9 hrs
online & on campus
Summer 2024
9 hrs
Fall 2024
9 hrs
1. Tuition ($750 per hr) $6,750 $6,750 $6,750 $6,750
2. Fees $200 $165 $125 $180
3. Food / Housing $4,464 $4,464 $2,976 $4,464
4. Books / Supplies $858 $550 $500 $565
5. Personal Expenses $3,032 $3,032 $2,022 $3,032
6. Transportation $923 $923 $615 $923
7. Estimated Total Cost of Attendance $16,227 $15,884 $12,988 $15,914
8. Direct Cost to OBU (Tuition & Fees only) $6,950 $6,915 $6,875 $6,930
1. Tuition: $750 PER CREDIT HOUR. Each semester will consist of 9 credit hours.
2. Fees: Technology Fee: $125 (Fall 2023, Spring 2024, Summer 2024), $130 (Fall 2024)
Parking Fee: $40 (Fall 2023, Spring 2024)
Lab Fee: $35 (Fall 2023)
Graduation Fee: $50 (Fall 2024)
3. Food & Housing: Ouachita uses the College Board figures from regional surveys. Off-campus budget is $992 per month for the 2023-24 year.
4. Books & Supplies: $500 per semester. In FALL: Added the cost of a lab coat, 2 sets of scrubs, typhon group student tracking system, student membership to "A.N.D." In SPRING: added conference fee. Final semester includes $65 cap and gown cost.
5. Personal Expenses: Background check, drug screen, physical exam, vaccinations / immunizations, Health insurance, Liability insurance, RD exam cost, clothing, personal items, haircuts, entertainment, etc.
6. Transportation: Covers use of a car or public transportation. Not intended for purchase of car. 

2024-2025 Online MBA Program Cost of Attendance

  • Tuition per graduate credit hour: $629
  • Estimated total tuition and fees for full 30 hour program: $19,310


Estimated Cost of Attendance

2024-25 MBA Estimated Cost of Attendance
  Fall 2024
12 hours
Spring 2025
12 hours
Summer 2025
6 hours
1. Tuition ($629 per hr) $7,548 $7,548 $3,774
2. Fees $130 $130 $180
3. Food & Housing $4,770 $4,770 $2,120
4. Books & Supplies $550 $550 $300
5. Personal Expenses $3,096 $3,096 $1,376
6. Transportation $972 $972 $432
7. Total Annual Cost of Attendance $42,314
8. Direct Cost to OBU (Tuition & Fees only) $7,678 $7,678 $3,954
1. Tuition: $629 PER CREDIT HOUR.
2. Fees: Technology Fee: $130 per semester
Graduation Fee: $50 in the final semester
3. Food & Housing: Ouachita uses the College Board figures from regional surveys. Off-campus budget is $1,060 per month.
4. Books & Supplies: Best estimate.
5. Personal Expenses: Clothing, personal items, haircuts, entertainment, etc.
6. Transportation: Covers use of a car or public transportation. Not intended for purchase of car.

2023-24 MBA Estimated Cost of Attendance Worksheet
  Fall 2023
12 hrs
Spring 2024
12 hrs
Summer 2024
6 hrs
1. Tuition ($629 per hr) $7,548 $7,548 $3,774
2. Fees $125 $125 $175
3. Food / Housing $4,464 $4,464 $1,984
4. Books / Supplies $550 $550 $300
5. Personal Expenses $3,033 $3,033 $1,348
6. Transportation $923 $923 $410
7. Estimated Total Cost of Attendance $16,643 $16,643 $7,991
8. Direct Cost to OBU (Tuition & Fees only) $7,673 $7,673 $3,949
1. Tuition: $629 PER CREDIT HOUR.
2. Fees: Technology Fee: $125 per semester
Graduation Fee: $50 in the final semester
3. Food & Housing: Ouachita uses the College Board figures from regional surveys. Off-campus budget is $992 per month.
4. Books & Supplies: Best estimate.
5. Personal Expenses: Clothing, personal items, haircuts, entertainment, etc.
6. Transportation: Covers use of a car or public transportation. Not intended for purchase of car.

2024-2025 Counseling Degree Cost of Attendance

  • Tuition per graduate credit hour: $550
  • Estimated total tuition and fees for full 63-hour program: $35,910


Estimated Cost of Attendance

Year 1 Students

2024-25 MA in Counseling Estimated Cost of Attendance
  Fall 2024
9 hours
Spring 2025
9 hours
Summer 2025 (8 Weeks)
6 hours
1. Tuition ($550 per hr) $4,950 $4,950 $3,300
2. Fees $205 $205 $130
3. Food & Housing $4,770 $4,770 $2,120
4. Books & Supplies $250 $250 $100
5. Personal Expenses $3,096 $3,096 $1,376
6. Transportation $972 $972 $432
7. Total Annual Cost of Attendance $35,944
8. Direct Cost to OBU (Tuition & Fees only) $5,155 $5,155 $3,430

Year 2 Students

2024-25 MA in Counseling Estimated Cost of Attendance
9 hours
11 hours
Summer (11 Weeks)
8 hours
1. Tuition ($550 per hr) $4,950 $6,050 $4,400
2. Fees $280 $130 $130
3. Food & Housing $4,770 $4,770 $3,180
4. Books & Supplies $250 $250 $100
5. Personal Expenses $3,096 $3,096 $2,064
6. Transportation $972 $972 $648
7. Liability Insurance $50    
8. Telehealth Certification   $400  
9. Total Annual Cost of Attendance $40,558
10. Direct Cost to OBU (Tuition & Fees only) $5,230 $6,180 $4,530

Year 3 Students

2024-25 MA in Counseling Estimated Cost of Attendance
11 hours
1. Tuition ($550 per hr) $6,050
2. Fees $230
3. Food & Housing $4,770
4. Books & Supplies $250
5. Personal Expenses $3,096
6. Transportation $972
7. Liability Insurance $50
8. Practice National Counselor Exam $75
9. Total Annual Cost of Attendance $15,493
10. Direct Cost to OBU (Tuition & Fees only) $6,280
1. Tuition: $550 PER CREDIT HOUR.
2. Fees: $130 Technology Fee per semester, $75 fee for each on-campus intensive and a $100 Graduation Fee in the final semester.
3. Food & Housing: Ouachita uses the College Board figures from regional surveys.     Off campus monthly budget is  $1,060 per month
4. Books & Supplies: Best estimate.
5. Personal Expenses: Includes expenses for clothing, personal items, haircuts, etc. Also includes cap and gown costs, insurance, health related expenses and professional memberships. 
6. Transportation: Covers use of a car or public transportation. Not intended for purchase of car.

2024-2025 Exercise Science Degree Cost of Attendance

  • Tuition per graduate credit hour: $500
  • Estimated total tuition and fees for full 36-hour program: $18,440


Estimated Cost of Attendance

2024-25 MS in Exercise Science Estimated Cost of Attendance
  Fall 2024
12 hours
Spring 2025
12 hours
Summer 2024
12 hours
1. Tuition ($500 per hour) $6,000 $6,000 $6,000
2. Fees $130 $130 $230
3. Food & Housing $4,770 $4,770 $2,120
4. Books & Supplies $550 $550 $550
5. Personal Expenses $3,096 $3,096 $1,376
6. Transportation $972 $972 $432
7. Total Annual Cost of Attendance $41,744
8. Direct Cost to OBU (Tuition & Fees only) $6,130 $6,130 $6,230
1. Tuition: $500 PER CREDIT HOUR
2. Fees: Technology Fee: $130 per semester.
Graduation Fee: $100 in final semester.
3. Food & Housing: Ouachita uses the College Board figures from regional surveys. Off-campus monthly budget is $1,060.
4. Books & Supplies: Best estimate.
5. Personal Expenses: Clothing, personal items, haircuts, entertainment, etc.
6. Transportation: Covers use of a car or public transportation. Not intended for purchase of car.

2023-24 MS in Exercise Science Estimated Cost of Attendance
  Fall 2023
12 hours
Spring 2024
12 hours
Summer 2024
12 hours
1. Tuition ($500 per hour) $6,000 $6,000 $6,000
2. Fees $125 $125 $175
3. Food / Housing $4,464 $4,464 $1,984
4. Books / Supplies $550 $550 $550
5. Personal Expenses $3,033 $3,033 $1,348
6. Transportation $923 $923 $410
7. Estimated Total Cost of Attendance $15,095 $15,095 $10,467
8. Direct Cost to OBU (Tuition & Fees only) $6,125 $6,125 $6,175
1. Tuition: $500 PER CREDIT HOUR
2. Fees: Technology Fee: $125 per semester.
Graduation Fee: $50 in final semester.
3. Food & Housing: Ouachita uses the College Board figures from regional surveys. Off-campus monthly budget is $992 per month for 2023-24.
4. Books & Supplies: Best estimate.
5. Personal Expenses: Clothing, personal items, haircuts, entertainment, etc.
6. Transportation: Covers use of a car or public transportation. Not intended for purchase of car.


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