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Institutional Review Board

The Institutional Review Board (IRB) of Ouachita Baptist University ensures that human subjects of research are adequately protected and their rights ensured as required by federal, state, and local laws as well as by our commitment to moral and academic rigor.

The IRB is an administrative committee appointed by the President.

All research involving human subjects falls under the scope of the IRB. Some examples are that the research:

  • Places subjects at more than minimal risk (physical, emotional, psychological, or social risk). Minimal risk is defined as those risks experienced in everyday life.
  • Involves minors (under 18 years of age) or other vulnerable populations (pregnant women and fetuses, mentally disabled individuals and other special populations). Please note that a number of freshmen are minors.
  • Investigates behaviors and/or experiences related to sensitive topics.
  • Involves the use of educational tests (cognitive, diagnostic, aptitude, achievement), survey procedures, interview procedures or observation of public behavior that identifies human subjects and/or their responses.

The process and timeline for obtaining IRB approval is determined by the type of study being proposed.

While all research involving human subjects falls under the scope of the IRB:

  • Some projects may be exempted from continuing review if, after examination by the IRB, they meet certain criteria as outlined under Exempt Projects.
  • Other projects may qualify for rapid evaluation as outlined under Expedited Review.
  • Projects which qualify as Internal Assessment are, by definition, not classified as research and do not fall under the scope of the IRB.

For studies involving subjects who are age 18 and up: (1) complete the following items, (2) ask your department chair, faculty sponsor, or supervisor to review them, and (3) email the final version to IRB Chair Dr. Lewis A. Shepherd at [email protected]:

For studies involving subjects who are under the age of 18: (1) complete the following items, (2) ask your department chair, faculty sponsor, or supervisor to review them, and (3) email the final version to IRB Chair Dr. Lewis A. Shepherd at [email protected]:

*Minor assent is NOT required if the subject's chronological age and/or intellectual ability is 6 years or less.  For subjects whose chronological age is between 7 and 17 and who have intellectual disabilities, use the Minor's Assent Form that best fits the subject's intellectual ability if their ability is classified as 7 years or greater.

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