Teaching science meets Doctor Who
Finding new ways to build confidence in elementary-age girls

In March, the Patterson School of Natural Sciences hosted an event for local fourth through sixth grade girls called Girls in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math). The Saturday event was led by our class, Science for Elementary Teachers, and was an awesome chance for us to engage girls in the community and to help them feel empowered in male-dominated STEM fields.
We led the girls through different stations, teaching them about health, chemistry,
geometry and other STEM subjects using activities such as an escape room and nurse
training. The event was set up in a Doctor Who theme where the girls had to solve
a crime mystery to help save the Doctor’s companion. Each station was designed to
teach the girls something that would ultimately help them solve the final clues that
led to the culprit. As the girls rotated through each station throughout the day,
they learned new skills and were involved in creative experiments that expanded their
It was so exciting to watch the girls go from station to station with their Doctor
Who notebooks, taking down notes and yelling with joy whenever they finally understood
what the station was all about. It was even more thrilling watching the girls answer
the clues and put the pieces from each station together into this giant mind-puzzle
that ultimately helped them solve the case. At the end, they were shouting and running
with excitement to find the kidnapped companion, which sounds crazy, but was so much
fun. Even the college students got really into this part of the Doctor Who story.
The girls were even eager to continue to investigate once the event was over – they
didn’t want the day to end!
As a future educator, I appreciated seeing how excited these girls could get about
STEM subjects. My experience in school growing up led me to dread anything that had
to do with science or technology because I felt completely inadequate in those areas.
But our education classes here at Ouachita have been teaching us how to teach science
using inquiry-based instruction (a student-driven form of teaching that is centered
on a main question). All of the stations we made for the STEM Saturday had to be inquiry-based.
Seeing the girls’ positive reactions to this format was groundbreaking for me. To
me, it is one thing to hear about a new teaching method and another to see it in action
STEM Saturday showed me a new way of teaching that can empower and inspire students
in areas where students traditionally tend to feel insecure. Not only do I feel more
positively about teaching science in the future, but I am actually excited to do it
now, too.
By Sara Neumann, a junior elementary education major from Valley Mills, Texas
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