What threatens me
Banned Books Week 2019

Editorial Note: September 22-28, 2019, is Banned Books Week, an annual celebration
of our freedom to read. Last fall, Dr. Johnny Wink and Dr. Jay Curlin taught an Honors
Seminar on Banned Books. They, along with two of their students Tucker Douglass and
Kyle Burrow, are this week’s guest writers on the subject.
I recently read “The Coddling of the American Mind,” a book as dismaying as it is
excellent. It was a painful reminder to me of just how alive and well and ubiquitous
is the censorious mind these days.
I cite as a particularly egregious example (there are, alas, many more where this
one came from) a passage detailing an occurrence at a so-called institute of higher
Bergen Community College (New Jersey, 2014): An art professor was placed on leave without pay and sent to psychological counseling for a social media post. The post showed a photograph of his young daughter wearing a T-shirt that depicted a dragon and the words I WILL TAKE WHAT IS MINE WITH FIRE & BLOOD, which the school claimed was “threatening.” The professor explained that the shirt referenced the popular TV series “Game of Thrones,” but an administrator insisted that “fire” could refer to an AK-47.
How do you suppose the psychiatrist who counseled the art professor went about counseling
him? What form might a session such as that have taken? If what his daughter was sporting
by way of a T-shirt was “threatening,” how might that daughter avoid such menace in
the future? By wearing textless T-shirts?
Think about all the things “fire” might mean in sundry contexts. I suppose it might
refer to just about anything. Why, for that matter, “applesauce” might mean “pipe
bomb” in the sentence “The administrator had applesauce for brains,” if a censor wills
it to.
I’ll guarantee you, I came away from reading “The Coddling of the American Mind” feeling
threatened. What threatens me is not, I assure you, what’s inscribed on a kid’s T-shirt.
By Dr. Johnny Wink, Betty Burton Peck Professor of English
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