Backyard Bible Clubs: Hugs, Tantrums, and Gospel Transformation
January 01, 2020
As we approach the apartment complex a dozen kids start running towards us shouting
“They’re here!” and “Put me on yo neck” which translates to: “Give me a piggy-back
ride.” Every week they are waiting on us, and every week we come anticipating the
games we will play and the conversations we will have.
Tywan is a 10 year old boy. He used to yell and not pay attention during the story
time. He would bully some of the other kids. It was the only way he knew how to
get attention. Last semester Tywan gave his life over to Christ. He is now a new
creation and he is very excited about having his very own Bible.
“Give me some snuggles” says 4 year old Moo Moo, a very energetic, but sweet girl.
She hates the cold, but always has a smile on her face. She loves to sit in your
lap and to pretend that she is a professional hair dresser. Each week, she gets to
learn the gospel and about how much the Father loves her.
The craziest night of the semester is the girl’s sleepover. Once each semester we
take over the Henderson BCM and all the girls get together for a sleepover. We play
a lot of crazy games, talk about their 6th grade romance problems, don’t get much
sleep, and get to have some really great conversations. We get to take the girls away
from all the distractions at home and really get to know them deeper than just spending
an hour a week with them. We have a guest speaker who shares her testimony and someone
who leads worship. The best part is getting to live life with them for a day and
show them the love that our Father has for them.
On top of the sleep over, we also do Tiger Serve day with the kids, take them to "Camp
Wamp", and have cookouts with their families. We teach them stories about the gospel
every week and then we get to break up into smaller groups and have some more one-on-one
time. These kids have a hard life. Many of them are from broken homes with cursing,
drinking, and drugs. They lack consistency, safety, and discipline. Their father
may be in jail, their electricity just got turned off, and no one is there to make
sure they get dinner. Backyard Bible Club is the highlight of their week because it is a time when they
can receive someone’s undivided attention, play without fear, and enjoy life.
It isn’t always easy. There will inevitably be crying, hurt feelings, disruptive behavior,
defiance, withdrawal, and tantrums. But, most of these kids have never been taught
differently. Despite the hard days, I am so thankful that I have gotten to be a part
of a ministry that is changing the lives of Tywan and Moo Moo.
As the gospel has been transforming the kids’ lives, it has been changing my own as
well. I have learned how blessed I am: I have heating and air conditioning, an abundance
of food, a warm coat, an environment I feel safe and protected in, and parents who
love me selflessly, disciplined me, and taught me about Jesus.
I have learned about the importance of being consistent and intentional with these
kids who don’t get to see that in their everyday lives. We might be the only example
they see of a person who is striving to walk with Jesus, no matter how imperfectly
that may look. It is humbling to think of these kids looking up to me, but God’s grace is sufficient
to glorify his name despite my inadequacy. I have also learned more about the gospel. I have discovered what it means that God
is a Father to the fatherless and how he loves these kids even though their earthly
fathers may not.
I have seen the mission of the gospel to reach out to the people God has created in
Arkadelphia and to love them like he has loved us. I have seen the power of the gospel
as it has brought some of these kids from death to life, hopeless to full of hope.
I have seen the necessity of the gospel, because regardless of the snacks we feed
them, the games we play, and the sleepovers we have, only the gospel has the power
to transform lives. I am thankful that we serve a God who is faithful to change lives
and to use messed up people to do it.
My favorite verse is 1 Corinthians 15:56-58 which says:
"The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God,
who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brothers,
be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in
the Lord your labor is not in vain."
By Samantha Burgess, sophomore Christian Studies major
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