Thinking of lasts and greats

Senior spring semester is known to be a time of lasts and greats. Last spring break trip, last spring fling, last trip to the lake, last sleepovers with all your friends and final goodbyes.
Due to spread of COVID-19 we had to say our goodbyes early. Goodbye to the friends we made, goodbye to all the professors who changed our lives, goodbye to our work-study family and goodbye to our home. This departure was inevitable. The moment we all expected to be around the corner sprung up all too quickly. Yes, it is a disappointing time; however, there is much to learn in this season.
Practice contentment. Nothing is changing. Our world is struggling. We are frustrated that we don’t have our independence or freedom but it is best that we sacrifice it right now. This is where you are; be okay with it. The notion that you will always be happy where you are is not reality. If you spend your life looking for happiness instead of contentment you will be met with an unquenchable need for change. This is where we have to be. You still have control over how you spend your moments. Steward these moments wisely, it is your most precious commodity.
Share compassion. Across the nation and world, people are hurting. We are all disappointed. We are all affected. Check in on your loved ones. Learn to see life from others’ perspectives. Many are losing jobs, homes and loved ones. It is okay to feel the sadness of how your life has changed, but understand that those around you are also hurting.
Seniors, underclassmen and anyone who reads this, don’t push off making memories with the people around you. Time is short. Love is rare. Life is unexpected. Waiting for the time to do the things you’ve always wanted to do with the people you’ve always wanted to do it with can lead to heartbreak. If this quarantine has taught me anything, it is to not wait for the time but make the time. The past four years of my life have been some of the best without a doubt. I laughed harder. I loved more. I experienced greater. There is a toxic idea going around that our lives are over or the past years meant nothing in comparison to the few weeks we are going to miss. This could not be more wrong. Plans change. Be thankful for the moments you have had in college. Life is best lived when you live knowing that at any moment it could all change.
For many, when we graduate college we will not live around our friends. There will be hours and states between us. There will be months or years without getting to spend time with each other in person. In an age of technology, we are able to stay connected easily. And yet we still make it hard. We have all the means to stay connected, but it requires intentionality. Quarantine is the first glimpse many of us get into this life stage that we will all be in soon enough. Learn how to grow your friendships through meaningful connection.
Yes, senior spring semester is full of lasts and greats. But really, we are just beginning a life of firsts and amazings. The lasts are things to celebrate, not regret. The greats should be appreciated but not clung to. The goodbyes hurt, but they don’t have to be forever. Use this time to take stock of all the sweet moments and ever sweeter people.
Thank you, Ouachita, for the four years of memories and giving me too many things to be grateful for.
By Phoebe Huff, a senior mass communications major from Jonesboro, Ark.
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