A life-changing experience

Many Christians have a chance to go on a mission trip, whether it be local or somewhere no one would ever think about going. At Ouachita, students are given the opportunity to travel and share their gifts and talents with people around the world. This summer, I got to travel to Poland to work with Breakthrough, teaching English to university students as well as having the opportunity to share God’s word.
Before going to Poland, I was tasked with choosing a chapter of the Bible to read while I was there; I chose Mathew 28. Verse 19 states, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations …”. My purpose on the trip would be to plant a seed in the hearts of those who didn’t know Christ.
We are called to make disciples of all nations, but to not be discouraged when things fail or we don’t see our witness bearing fruit. Even reading these words every day, I didn’t realize that I would do this exact task. Without even knowing, I was able to share with someone who was a seeker of the Lord.
My trip was definitely fueled by God. I trusted He would show me why I was in Poland and how I was making a difference in the heavenly kingdom. When I met with a girl named Klaudia who was seeking Jesus, the Lord opened up a door for me to ask her if she had a Bible. She said her Bible was in Polish and she didn’t understand it as well as she could if it were in English. I had the opportunity and the resources to give her a Bible of her own. That day was life-changing for Klaudia and for me. The look on her face as she received her own English-language Bible was unforgettable, as were all of the opportunities to share God’s work that I experienced while in Poland.
The word of God can truly change someone's life; Matthew’s Gospel reflects this truth. The power of God’s word is more visible to someone who is open to the Lord and asking for guidance.
While I was there, I also had the opportunity to meet with some Ukrainian refugees. The things some of these people experienced, without preparation or warning, are hard to take in. As someone who has never gone through that kind of trauma and hopefully never will, it was impossible to grasp their pain and suffering. One of the women who had to evacuate from Ukraine told me, “You could never understand.” And she was so right. In the United States, we take for granted that we are a free nation and have the security to live life accordingly.
All in all, many people who surround us in our everyday life may not have a truly meaningful relationship with the Lord. We are called to share the Gospel with words and through our actions, wherever in the world we’re called to go.
Kaitlyn Norris is a sophomore Christian studies major from Tyler, Texas. To learn more about her summer missions experience in Poland, email her at [email protected].
Lead photo: Kaitlyn Norris (left) is pictured with Klaudia, an English student studying German in Poland. The photo was taken on the day Kaitlyn gave a Bible to Klaudia. Photo by Meghann Bledsoe
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