Serving in Brazil

In June, I had the wonderful opportunity to travel with four other Ouachita faculty and staff members to Manaus, Brazil, to participate in the 15th Annual Faith in Truth pastor’s conference (Fé Na Verdade). The more than 200 attendees represented a wide range of ministries, including pastors and their wives, refugee workers and church planters, with a geographical impact reaching from Manaus, up and down the Amazon river basin, to as far away as the Venezuelan border.
The conference was a vision of Constantinople Baptist Church (Igreja Batista de Constantinópolis) led by Pastor Jorge Silva, father to our own Ouachita rising junior Ligia. We were humbled by the joyful enthusiasm of the Brazilians who prioritized attendance at this conference, often at great personal sacrifice.
Dr. Terry Carter, Vaught Professor of Christian Ministries and director of the Horne Center for Biblical Preaching, outlined the history of the Great Awakenings. Dr. Doug Nykolaishen, professor of biblical studies, presented a moving in-depth study of Leviticus. Dr. Ray Franklin, professor emeritus of Christian missions, spoke on the impact of the world Christian movement. My presentation focused on the importance of helping believers grow in their faith and offered a few suggestions on how to develop a discipleship ministry in their churches. Ligia served as my translator – a blessing, and fun!
As the conference unfolded, our team was pleased to find each of our presentations working together to form an integral whole the attendees genuinely appreciated.
Our trip was organized by Jason Greenwich, director of the Grant Center for International Education at Ouachita. Jason’s fluency in Portuguese proved invaluable, allowing us to communicate with the individual Brazilians in ways that would have been impossible without his help. Jason’s years of experience in Brazil and love for the country opened doors of deep personal connection for us.
The conference concluded with Dr. Carter delivering the Sunday evening sermon at Igreja Batista de Constantinópolis. Prior to the service, Dr. Franklin was invited to give a devotional to students of Brazilian jiu-jitsu, a ministry of the church.
Following the conference, our gracious hosts treated us to two days of true Amazon experiences, including a boat ride into the jungle where visitors can hold sloths, parrots, alligators and mischievous little monkeys, as well as swim in the river with pink dolphins. A generous church member also took some of the team members on a flight over the Amazon.
This was an extraordinary conference. Much useful information was shared, but perhaps the most significant part was the inspiring fellowship among the attendees and our team. We left Brazil spiritually refreshed, with hearts full of thankfulness for the unforgettable opportunity and a deep desire to return! I truly hope that in keeping with Pruet’s mission to extend its ministry internationally, there will be more trips like this in the future.
Dr. Barbara Pemberton is professor & chair of the Department of Christian Missions and director of the Carl Goodson Honors Program at Ouachita.
Lead photo: Jason Greenwich (far left) attended the 15th Annual Faith in Truth pastor’s conference in Brazil with Pruet faculty members (from right) Dr. Terry Carter, Dr. Barbara Pemberton, Dr. Ray Franklin and Dr. Doug Nykolaishen. Photo courtesy of Jason Greenwich
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