Camp Wamp 2015!
January 01, 2020
"3-2-1 GO!"
And fourteen happy children eagerly begin throwing sponges full of watered down paint
on each other. Pink, green, blue, orange, and purple quickly cover the once undisturbed
field, and once white shirts are now splattered with paint.
The long-anticipated Paint War is just one of the many events that we put on for our
Backyard Bible Club kids at our annual Camp Wamp. Camp is one weekend every April
filled with laughter, fun, Bible studies, singing, mega relay competitions, and a
little sleep. It is an opportunity for us to have intentional one-on-one conversations
with the 3rd through 8th grade kids that we minister to weekly throughout the school
year. Our first graders eagerly ask when they will be old enough to attend camp, and
cannot wait the two excruciating long years until they can. A nine year old boy became
a Christian last year at camp, and two other boys became Christians this past November.
Our kids are eager to hear about the saving knowledge of Christ and accept Him as
their Lord and Savior. Every year we make bracelets with the children's names on them
to raise some funds to send the kids to camp for free. Our remaining cost of camp
is around $1300. God has provided for our needs thus far, and I know that He will
continue to do so. Financial support is always very welcomed in any and all amounts.
However, let us not forget how powerful God is through prayer, in preparing all the
details for camp and drawing our sweet children to Himself.
--by Stephanie Westberg, a sophomore Education major from Arkadelphia.
Online donations can be made here by designating Campus Ministries and writing "Camp Wamp" for the gift instructions.
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