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Ouachita Stories


Christian Focus Week Design Competition

January 01, 2020

Do you have what it takes to design the next Christian Focus Week publicity materials? This year Campus Ministries is opening up a campus-wide design competition and the winner's design will be used for posters, schedules, the website and t-shirts to promote CFW. The winner will receive a $100 gift card!

To enter the contest:

  • Submit a design to the CM office by 5pm on Dec 3rd (a printing is preferred over digital)
  • Artwork should be designed with the CFW theme in mind


Ephesians 4:29--"Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear."

Words.  They have power.  Words can build you up, and words can break you down.  Our desire, as followers of Christ, should be that our words would be fruitful, give life, and speak truth.  Our words reflect the state of our hearts.  When we love well, we speak well.  Our goal should be to point others to Christ through our words.

  • Design with an 11" X 17" poster in mind. You can view the previous years' designs below.
  • Email James Taylor by Nov 19th at [email protected] to notify CM that you plan to submit an entry
  • Contact Kate Cody or Connor Goad if you would like more direction or an explanation of the theme.

What is CFW?

Each year Campus Ministries hosts Christian Focus Week at OBU. While our faith impacts all we do throughout the year, CFW allows us special times to worship together, reflect on our faith and renew our vision for remainder of the year.

This year, CFW is February 10-14, 2014, with main speakers Terry Carter, Rick Bezet & Brandon Barnard, and worship led by Noah James Mitchell, the Fellowship Bible Church LR worship team & a concert by John Mark McMillan.

CFW poster

