Fear Not
January 01, 2020
“Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground
apart from your Father. But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not,
therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.” – Matthew 10:29-31
One of my favorite places to be is an area on Lake DeGray that’s not too far from
campus. It’s small and tucked away, with the picnic tables hidden from the view of
the road, so I can actually count on my visit being solitary. To me, an introvert,
the silence and beautiful surroundings do not bore me but envelop me like a giant
hug comforting and reviving, and helping me along in my studying.
This particular time I came completely alone―no human company, as usual, but also
no homework. My coming was an unplanned move of desperation, and I settled on the
bench of a picnic table to pray. My eyes remained open as I spoke audibly to my Creator,
the Creator of both my environment and me. Though sometimes we forget words, I find
I am less likely to forget feelings, for I remember my confusion and frustration.
Life is hard, full of responsibilities and unknowns. At times it seems to be a journey
in the dark, with a dim flashlight only lighting the very next step in front of me.
My steps seem of varying importance, sometimes of eternal magnitude and the next moment,
of no consequence at all. Here, at the lake on this day, I felt small.
At that very hour in the same part of Lake DeGray, a large turtle bobbed its head
from under and over the surface of the water. Its movements were slow and seemingly
of no importance. But a twinge of envy struck me as I watched it. You, turtle, have
no life to retreat from. This is you, living life in its simplest form. Still, without
even knowing, you have touched me.
The words of Jesus in Matthew 10:29-31 echoed in my head. I knew then that I was not
the only one watching this creature. If God cares for sparrows and turtles in their
simplest lives, how much more does He care for me? How much more value does He place
in my seemingly insignificant steps?
Yes, you and I are the crown of creation, for He made us and called us very good.
We have been blessed with responsibilities but they do not go unseen. Where I give
only a few minutes, He absolutely can spend all day watching His creation, this turtle.
And He does, causing no stretch in His ability to watch each and every one of us too.
Fear not.
--by Libby Hilliard
For more devotions like this, check out our free ebook, Extra Ordinary.
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