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Ouachita Stories


Four Ways to Prepare Spiritually for College

January 01, 2020

We are ready for our new students to get to campus. If you're looking to prepare spiritually for the coming semester, here are four steps you can take to get ready for some of the most formative years of your life.

Talk. Find someone at least one year ahead of you who you can talk to about faith and college. Whether it's a college-aged friend at church, a cousin, a parent, or a college minister, pull aside someone you respect and ask questions about how you can expect your faith to be challenged, encouraged and stretched during the next four years. Anyone with half a heart would be thrilled to think through those questions with you.

Read. A couple of years ago, Campus Ministries put together a devotional book by students, faculty and staff that is written specifically for college students. You can download a free copy here. If you'd really like a paper copy of the book, email [email protected] and he'll send you a copy for free (while supplies last).

Life groups

Pray. Everyone wants to pray, and we all are quick to tell someone we're praying for them, but the real work of prayer is difficult.  Set habits of scripture reading and prayer now. Be as consistent as you can with a time and the location. If you struggle with what to say, look to scripture to give you the words. Passages like Philippians 1:9-11, Ephesians 3:14-21, and Psalm 121 are great passages to pray to God.

Think. One area that you can pray for is how you will connect to other people in college. Where will you go to church? What new friends will you make? Where can you find a place to serve others? There is no shortage of options, but think ahead about where you would like to connect. Community will usually not just happen--we all have to invest in it. Think now about the places you want to invest. God gave you a brain, use it!

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