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Ouachita Stories


Global Focus Week 2016!

January 01, 2020

Join us for a number of events this week aimed to help students understand and be a part of God's work around the world. Check out our trips with CM for spring break and summer--applications due Oct 31!

Monday (Oct 24)
Noonday – 12pm Berry Chapel
Cultural Activity: 3-5pm Student Center (Dr. Jack’s and Chick-Fil-A area)
Breakout Session: 5-6pm Alumni Room – Cru (Barriers to Missions)
World Prayer (Australia and Europe): 9pm Berry Chapel

Tuesday (Oct 25)
Missions Fair: 9am-10am and 11am-3pm Student Center (Dr. Jack’s and Chick-Fil-A area)
East Asia Panel Discussion: 5-6:30pm Alumni Room
World Prayer (Asia and Africa): 9pm Berry Chapel

Wednesday (Oct 26)
Noonday – 12pm Berry Chapel
Breakout Session: 4-5pm Berry Chapel - Dr. Franklin (Intercultural Communication)
Henderson BCM (713 N 12th Street): 8pm - Missions Panel, Worship, Message, World Prayer (North and South America)

Thursday (Oct 27)
Breakout Session: 4-5pm Henderson BCM (713 N 12th Street) – students will share about their missions experiences and will talk about why missions during college is important
Refuge: 9pm Second Baptist Church

Friday (Oct 28)
Noonday – 12pm Berry Chapel
Prayer Walk Arkadelphia: 4-5pm Meet at Berry Chapel
