Ministry Spotlight: Prayer
January 01, 2020
The Prayer Ministry at OBU focuses on praying for the various Campus Ministries, their
leaders, and for requests sent in by students. Our team meets once a week an hour before Refuge. We spend time praying over the coming service, and then we pray for the submitted
requests and for each other. One of the great things about this ministry is that you
truly get to know the team members as you pray with and for each other. What I love
about this ministry is that you learn about God in a unique way as you spend intentional
time in prayer with other Christians.
As the ministry leader for Prayer, I've seen God move in amazing ways through this
ministry. At the beginning of last year, we all prayed someone would meet Christ for
the first time at Refuge. After praying for months, one of our team members bounced
into the prayer room, announcing we had a new sister in Christ! It was such a blessing
to see God answer prayer in such a tangible way. Prayer isn't the flashiest of ministries,
but the community and joy God brings in this ministry are irreplaceable.
By Sophie DeMuth, CM Prayer Team Leader
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