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Ouachita Stories


New Discipleship Ministry

January 01, 2020

Campus Ministries is excited to launch Life Groups this fall semester. Life groups are weekly discipleship groups of 6-8 students who will meet together throughout the year to study Scripture and build friendships. 1 Thes. 2:8 summarizes the heart behind Life Groups, “Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well.” These groups are designed with Ouachita’s campus in mind. They will be places where you can talk about your faith and be challenged among peers.

Life Group Exist to foster a community where people seek Jesus and grow together.

Over the last several years, our discipleship groups were split into Men’s Discipleship and Veritas, and they usually studied different material. Our hope is for Life Groups to have the same focus to increase campus unity. Groups will be split into guy groups and girl groups, but the vision and material for everyone will be the same.

Your Life Group works around your schedule! You will pick a time slot that works best for you. Life Groups will start Oct. 1, right after Tiger Tunes.

The heart of Life Groups this semester will be an 8 session study on identity. Each group will focus in on our true identity found in Christ vs. false identities the world offers.

“Meeting with everyone in my group was a really good way to unwind from school work and focus on my relationship with God and also share about my week and how my life was going with my group.” –Elizabeth Steely, Sophomore  

“My group allowed me to invest in lives around me in such an intentional and consistent way. Together as a group, we saw God shape our thinking, relationships, and love for Him in a powerful way. Some of our girls in our group decided to live together next year. I believe having a discipleship ministry on campus truly unites people to be of one mind and spirit studying the Word of God and spurring each other on to run the race for which He has called us.” – Katie Kumpuris, Junior

“I really enjoy the opportunity to connect with other guys who share common interest of wanting to draw closer to God in every way possible.I see the ministry as being especially important coming off of extended breaks such as summer and Christmas, because you come back with new experiences and stories and those can affect how you view life, both positively and negatively. It’s great to have a group of guys who you know you can talk and be real with. To know that they’re going to be open and honest with you while trying to look at life through a Christian perspective is a special thing.” – Spencer Ewing, Senior 