Some Rush Week Advice
January 01, 2020
Rush week gets started tonight, dominating much of campus life for a couple weeks.
I wanted to offer some bits of advice as I've now been around this season at OBU for
over ten years, including my own time as a student.
1. Pray! Who can argue with that advice, right? But it's so obvious that we sometimes miss
it. Prayer is always a good starting point before you make decisions. Don't let your
choice to pledge or not or what to pledge be made without talking to God about it.
2. Breathe. Slow down. Watch some TV and get your mind off the decision for a while. Have conversations
about something other than Rush. Don't get caught up in hysteria. Most people don't make good decisions when they're rushed (sorry, had to). It is even possible to delay your decision. It's not uncommon for students to wait
and pledge their sophomore year.
3. Step outside. Get advice from people who aren't at OBU that you respect and who know you well . Often it's those who are not in the middle of an event that can give us the best
perspective. Talk to your youth minister, or a favorite teacher from high school or
a friend at another college. Of course you can also seek out wisdom from people here
at OBU.
4. Eat pancakes. Whatever you decide, everyone is welcome to come eat pancakes with CM on Saturday,
9-11am at Dr. Jack's. We are Campus Ministries--we're here for the whole campus.
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