A Weekly Word: James 4:10
January 01, 2020
Reading back through my prayer journal, my word for 2014 was trust. Last year took
many turns I had not expected, and I was continually brought back to trust the Lord.
As I encountered things during the year that made me anxious or were beyond my control
(believe me, there were plenty), I confessed my lack of trust and poured out my heart
to the Lord. He showed me a scripture similar to the scripture quoted below, “Humble
yourselves under the mighty power of God and in His good time He will lift you up.
Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares what happens to you” (1 Peter
5:6-7, NLT).
This is exactly what I did and what He did. I had to totally depend on the Lord, and
at every turn He was faithful.
Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.
James 4:10
When I read the word “humble” the first thing I think of is the opposite word – pride.
Pride says it’s all about me and I don’t need any help. Humbling myself before God
is confessing my sin to Him and being truly repentant. It is a state of total dependence
on God, fully trusting in God and submitting to His authority.
As we go through this new year, let’s humble ourselves before Him – in both the BIG
things and the small things – and see Him work knowing that He does care about every
aspect of our lives.
We are only 26 days into 2015 and I’m thinking my “word” for the year is still trust!
How about you?
By Susan Atkinson, Administrative Assistant, School of Humanities
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