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Ouachita Stories


A Weekly Word: Luke 19:10

January 01, 2020

Why am I here? We can appropriately ask this question in many contexts. In a college context it invites us to reflect on our sense of purpose or mission. College years are a good time to consider one’s direction in life.

Luke 19:10 is a clear and concise statement of Jesus’ mission, the reason he entered our world, why he was here. It concludes his encounter with Zacchaeus as he traveled through Jericho on the final trip to Jerusalem. Only with a clear sense of mission could Jesus walk toward the cross waiting in Jerusalem. Only this mission made sense of his detour to Zacchaeus’ house while the crowd grumbled about fraternizing with sinners. It doesn’t take much imagination to hear the joy in Jesus’ voice after seeing the new Zacchaeus: Yes, this is why I came!


For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.

Luke 19:10


We appreciate his joy because we, like Zacchaeus, are ones Jesus came to seek and save. We can share in that joy because we are part of his church, invited to share in his mission. We strive to let the joy of this mission inform our work as members of a university because we aspire to be a Christ-centered learning community. Our mission is tied to his mission.

Reflection on our mission or purpose may be helpful at the end of a long term or academic year when we are weary and faced with a stack of assignments and responsibilities that seems bigger than our capacity to complete. Remembering that our personal mission is tied to one so much bigger than we are can put our struggles into perspective and allow us to take joy in successes, however small, all along the way. Remember why you are here!


By Byron Eubanks, Chair of the Department of Philosophy
