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Ouachita Stories


A Weekly Word: Psalm 119:105

January 01, 2020

A revolutionary era in electronics was launched in 1948 when scientists at Bell Labs introduced to the world the transistor, which heralded in the miniaturization of electronics and ultimately produced the intelligent electronic devices we use today. The light-emitting diode (LED) was one offshoot of the technology that appeared in 1962 and eventually evolved to the point that we can now buy powerful LED devices for our homes that provide intense light at low cost.

Such developments in technology present a challenge in understanding today’s metaphor that compares the enlightenment and power that God’s word provides to light provided by an ancient lamp. Light in the ancient world would have provided the same benefit as our modern devices. In venturing out into the unknown you would probably have kept the lamp close to your feet so that the precious light would have provided a safe passage for your journey.


Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.

Psalm 119:105


As college students preparing yourselves for the future, remember to strengthen your mind and heart on the promise that God’s word will provide light and guidance to you. The world can be a dark place physically, spiritually and emotionally, so it is wise to practice the disciplines of our faith in order to keep strong and clear-headed in the face of danger and uncertainty.

Soak your mind in today’s verse and ask God to use His word to guide and direct you on the path that He has chosen for you. The unknowns in life can overwhelm us at times, but we can find a safe harbor in knowing that God has provided a way for us to navigate life. God’s word is indeed a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. Walk in His light and enjoy your journey of faith!


By Ian Cosh, Vice President for Community and International Engagement
