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#OBUrush: Advice for rush week 2016

January 01, 2020

With rush week quickly approaching, you may have numerous thoughts and decisions to think through. Take some time to consider this advice from current Ouachita students who have been in your shoes, whether you plan on pledging a social club or not.

"In the moment, trying to decide on Rush and bidding a club can seem like the biggest decision. But, whatever you choose, you are going to meet new awesome people. Enjoy it." –Davis Wadley, Independent

"If you're thinking about Rush, or trying to decide if you should or not, do it! Even if you decide to not pledge a club, you can still go to meet new people. I ended up finding a club I love being in, but it also was a way for me to meet others in different clubs that I may have not met without Rush. Just put yourself out there!" –Wesley Ramsey, Rho Sigma president (fall 2016)

"I didn't go through rush my freshman year and that's something I really wish I would've done. It is such a great opportunity to meet new friends and get connected with upperclassmen. I think that it's important to remember that going through rush doesn't mean you have to go through induction week. Rush is about finding a place on campus where you feel known and can serve Ouachita. If that means being in a club, great; if that means not being in a club, that's great too!" –Brook East, Independent

"I guess my biggest piece of advice for someone thinking about going through rush is to not let time be a crutch you use to not rush (or to join anything on campus). I remember my Freshman year that's the number one complaint I heard. I don't have enough time. You make time for the things you love and if one really wants to join a club then one can make the time to join a club. Even if that means cutting one's Netflix time in half. I know that's what I had to do and it was the best decision I ever made." –Jaret Webb, Eta Alpha Omega member

Interested in more rush advice from current students? Here are some of our favorite posts from #OBUrush on Instagram.

's 3 steps to successfully going through #oburush: 1) BE EXCITED. The next 2 weeks will be the most exhausting, memorable, and (because we're girls) emotional weeks of your freshman year. Know that every time you step into a room that club is so excited to have you there and is more nervous than you are...I promise...so smile, be yourself, and most of all HAVE FUN. You only get to do this once!! 2)KEEP AN OPEN MIND. I know it's easier said than done...I know I was one of the most closed minded people going through rush and the club I thought I hated ended up being my home. Go to the club where you feel at home...if you feel like you're constantly selling yourself. It may not be the one for you AND THATS OKAY!! Ignore the stereotypes of the clubs but focus more on what you've seen this last semester. The character of the clubs should be obvious in the way they treat others and each other on campus...and what they do in their time off of campus ?(we all know what I'm saying there)Which club do you want to be associated with?! 3)YOU CAN SLEEP WHEN YOU'RE DEAD. Rush/pledge week is undoubtedly exhausting...but I am so thankful for those late nights now looking back. Stay up all night waiting on your bids, eat that Taco Bell at 1 am, pull pranks on your pledge mistresses, and if you don't stay up all night waiting on your final bid on Thursday are you even going through Rush?!? You won't remember how exhausted you are in 4 months you'll only remember falling out of your bed from the excitement whenever the first one slid under the door. Sorry for the long post but as the late Mariah Carey says "Crap Happens". Good luck to all you ladies going through rush!! I can't wait to meet all of you and may the odds be ever in your favor!!! ❤??‍♀️?

A photo posted by Jessica Stanley (@jesstasmalltowngirl) on

When I left for college, I was adamant that I would not Pledge or even Rush for the social clubs at OBU. When spring semester came around, I decided to rush, mostly for the free food ?. Little did I know at that moment, I would find my campus family. This group of girls is one of the most special things in my life. The support, the prayer, the fun and goofing off, and the talent in Chi Mu has blessed me time and again. I wouldn't be who I am this year without my sweet sisters. Freshmen and Transfers: do what you think is best. Rush, or don't rush. But do everything with an open mind, and have fun! You will find your place. And if that place happens to be Chi Mu, we will welcome you with open arms!! If it's another club or staying independent, we'll support you in that as well!! Just follow your heart and the will of the Lord and you'll land where you need to be. #ChiMu #OBURush2017 #OBURush

A photo posted by Jess Elliff (@starryeyed17) on


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