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Ouachita Stories


#WearOuachitaWeekend: Some of our favorite posts

January 01, 2020

Over the July 1-3 weekend, Ouachitonians from all over the world took to social media to celebrate #WearOuachitaWeekend! We loved seeing so many posts sharing their love and support while repping all sorts of Ouachita gear!

Wearing Ouachita apparel while you are out and about is one of the easiest ways to give back and help support our university. It is a simple way to show Ouachita's reach and represent us in your personal communities. A big thanks to everyone who participated and who continue to support Ouachita!

Check out some of these posts from this weekend's fun! To see more Tiger pride, search #WearOuachitaWeekend on social media.


Showing our OBU love for #wearouachitaweekend! ?#boomalacka

A post shared by Bonnie Magee (@bonamagee) on

August 13th WYA? ??#wearouachitaweekend

A post shared by Brady Barton (@brady_grace99) on

Rep it! #wearouachitaweekend #fayetteville #arkansas

A post shared by Barrett Baber (@barrettbaber) on

who doesn't love a reason to rep the best school ever?!? #wearouachitaweekend ?

A post shared by Abby Turner (@alturner0) on

Squirrel!! #WrongCamera #WearOuachitaWeekend #HappyBirthdayAmerica

A post shared by McKenzie Cranford (@mckenzie.cranford) on

Missing Zach, but we are sure he is wearing his OBU shirt this weekend too!!! #wearouachitaweekend #happy4th

A post shared by Christine Street (@christinestreet12) on

The entire family came out to support the Queen of the college world! #wearouachitaweekend ???

A post shared by Joy Biebighauser (@joybiebighauser) on

We truly are a Ouachita family?? #wearouachitaweekend #legacy #ouachitaroots

A post shared by Melody Stotts (@melodyg_stotts) on

How could I miss a chance to rep the best place on earth?????? #WearOuachitaWeekend #yaytigersforlife!!!

A post shared by Molly Boone? (@gollygeemollyb) on

So thankful for my roots in this queen of the college world. *sings alma mater* #wearouachitaweekend

A post shared by Megan Osborne (@meganosborne98) on

#WearOuachitaWeekend #openeyeson3 #obuclassof95 Happy 4th from Charleston, SC. ??????

A post shared by Virginia Gregg (@virginiagregg) on

We love @ouachita and want our children to love it as well. @ouachitaalumni #WearOuachitaWeekend

A post shared by pastorcwright (@pastorcwright) on

Beyond excited to attend Ouachita in the fall!? #wearouachitaweekend

A post shared by Hayley Smith? (@hellohayleyyy) on

Showing my love for the tigers all the way from Ecuador on this #WearOuachitaWeekend !!! @obucampusstore

A post shared by Jordan Leigh Ford (@jordanlford) on

The Gosser's sure know how to do #WearOuachitaWeekend ?? #gossermafia

A post shared by Gretchen Gosser Graham (@gretchengossergraham) on

#PrettyInPurple #WearOuachitaWeekend

A post shared by Ben Worley (@benworley) on

• so proud to be a third generation tiger for life at the queen of the college world! ??#wearouachitaweekend

A post shared by Callie Anna Dunlap (@calliebobjoe) on

@nate_mooney loving on orphans in Nairobi, Kenya #WearOuachitaWeekend

A post shared by Jen (@moonmom45) on


A post shared by Adam Norwood (@coolwoody24) on

Boomalacka chingalacka who are we? #wearouachitaweekend

A post shared by Emory Gregory (@emorygregory4) on

Knight fam represents everywhere we go ?⚾️?#WearOuachitaWeekend #tigersforlife #teamOBU

A post shared by Casey Knight (@caseynknight) on

We love Ouachita! #wearouachitaweekend

A post shared by Ashley Eason (@ashmeason) on

Nothing like a rainy day downtown repping my H??ME away from H??ME! #wearouachitaweekend

A post shared by sarahgir12 (@sarahgir12) on


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