Ouachita’s Band Christmas concert to be held Dec. 2

The Ouachita Baptist University Band will present its annual Christmas concert on Monday, Dec. 2, at 7:30 p.m. in Jones Performing Arts Center on Ouachita’s campus. The concert is free and open to the public.
The Ouachita Band, which combines Ouachita’s Wind Ensemble and Marching Band, will perform many Christmas favorites. Jim Lloyd, instructor of music and assistant director of bands, and Dr. Craig Hamilton, Lena Goodwin Trimble Professor of Music and director of bands, will serve as conductors for the concert.
“I think the faculty and students enjoy listening to the band play Christmas favorites and joining with the band for the traditional sing-along to end the concert,” Dr. Hamilton said.
The evening’s program will include “Most Wonderful Christmas” by Robert Sheldon, “I Saw Three Ships” by Larry Kerchner, “Carol of the Night” by Richard Saucedo, “Go Tell It on the Mountain” by Jay Dawson, “Winterfest” by John Prescott, “Rest” by Sam Hazo, “Sparkling Lights” by Matt Conaway, “Do You Hear What I Hear” by Jay Bocook and “Feliz Navidad” by Tom Wallace. The concert will conclude with “It’s Christmas!” by Warren Barker.
The concert also will be livestreamed at obu.edu/band. For more information, contact the School of Fine Arts at (870) 245-5129.
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