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Ouachita Stories

Dr. Nicole Porchia

Ouachita names Dr. Nicole Porchia vice president for student development

December 03, 2024

Ouachita Baptist University will begin the Spring 2025 semester with a new vice president for student development, Dr. Nicole Porchia.

Dr. Lewis Shepherd Jr.

Dr. Lewis Shepherd Jr. named Ouachita's VP for Community and Intercultural Engagement

November 11, 2021

Dr. Lewis Shepherd Jr. has been named vice president for community and intercultural engagement at Ouachita Baptist University in Arkadelphia.

TaJuan Wilson

Alumni profile: TaJuan Wilson ('07) Educator, mentor & role model

May 15, 2019

A first-generation college student, Dr. TaJuan Wilson wasn’t sure where college would lead when he began. But he was determined to navigate college life successfully, and higher education soon became his specialty. Originally from Bearden, Ark., Wilson found Ouachita through TRIO programs.

Pictured are honoree Linda Burns (left) and Donna Reynolds, director of the Foster Grandparent program at Ouachita, during the Elrod Center’s annual community service awards banquet. Burns was honored for 25 years of service with the program.

Ouachita's annual Elrod Center service awards banquet honored Linda Burns and student volunteers

May 01, 2019

Ouachita Baptist University’s Ben M. Elrod Center for Family and Community held its annual community service awards banquet on Tuesday, April 16. Linda Burns was honored with the Foster Grandparent Service Award for 25 years of service with the program.
