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OBU alumnus returns to campus to speak to business students

December 05, 2008 - OBU News Bureau

Inventor and entrepreneur Scott Bonge will be a guest lecturer at Ouachita Baptist University on Wednesday, Dec. 10. Bonge, an OBU graduate and the inventor of the GoateeSaver, will speak to business students and other guests in room 200 of Hickingotham Hall from 9-9:50 a.m. The lecture is open to the public. Bonge will speak about entrepreneurship and his own journey to success.

Bonge created the GoateeSaver, a shaving template “designed to give you the perfect goatee every time you shave,” after becoming frustrated with his own grooming routine. “I was tired of being frustrated with trying to get my own goatee even on both sides of my face,” he said. “If it ended up crooked, I would just shave it off. So one day I thought, if I’ve got this issue, other guys have to have the same problem.”

Since the GoateeSaver was released in June, the plastic and chrome mouthpiece has been profiled on more than 1,500 websites. It has also been featured on several radio talk show, television stations, newspapers and magazines globally. Bonge and the GoateeSaver even recently made a guest appearance on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. The GoateeSaver Company was also recently recognized by “Start Up Nation” as part of its Home-Based 100 Competition for 2008. The company, which received an honorable mention in the “Most Innovative” business category, was among thousands of businesses which were entered into the competition.

Currently, the GoateeSaver is available only online and at the Drug Emporium in Little Rock. For more information about the GoateeSaver, visit www.goateesaver.com.

by OBU News Bureau



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