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Ouachita Stories


Ouachita displays Arkadelphia public schools art

February 25, 2009 - Emory Jacobs

Ouachita Baptist University is displaying artwork from the Arkadelphia Public Schools in Verser Theatre lobby Tuesday, Feb. 24, through Friday, March 6. The exhibit will feature pieces by students from all grade levels.

“We have enjoyed getting the chance to display student works, having a place for parents to come and view the work and bridging the gap between public school and the university,” said Amy Hornsby, an Arkadelphia public schools art teacher. “It gives our students a sense of pride as well. We owe a big thank you to OBU for helping us and giving us this kind of recognition.”

The public school art exhibit is an annual event at Ouachita, started several years ago by Raouf Halaby, OBU professor of Art and Design and English.


by Emory Jacobs



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