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Ouachita celebrates academic achievements with Scholars Day April 23

Ouachita celebrates academic achievements with Scholars Day April 23.April 16, 2014 - McKenzie Cranford

Ouachita Baptist University will host Scholars Day on April 23 to give students from every academic department the opportunity to showcase the work they have done over the past year. All across campus, students will present senior theses and science research as well as award-winning theatre and musical productions and more. Senior art and graphic design exhibits will also be on display.

The event is open to the public and also a great time for families and prospective students to visit campus.

“Scholars Day has become one of the premier academic traditions here at Ouachita,” explained Dr. Stan Poole, vice president for academic affairs. “Not only does it provide an exceptional opportunity for students to hone their presentation skills, but it also allows us to celebrate and honor their hard work and achievement.”

Scholars Day will begin with the annual Alpha Chi national honor society induction ceremony on the campus lawn from 1-1:30 p.m. followed by presentations across campus.

Senior thesis presentations will be held in Walker Conference Center and Verser Theatre throughout the afternoon, and science posters will be displayed on the second floor of Riley-Hickingbotham Library. Theatre and music performances will take place in Verser Theatre and McBeth Recital Hall.

Other student presentations will be presented across campus in McClellan Hall 100, 205 and 206, as well as Young Auditorium and Hickingbotham Hall 200.

“Everyone needs to go and get a good idea of what other people do on this campus,” said Dr. Barbara Pemberton, professor of Christian missions and director of the Carl Goodson Honors Program. “It’s a great day to learn something new!”

Offering a diverse selection of presentations, Scholars Day raises awareness of the strong academic work that takes place at Ouachita on a daily basis. While seniors in the Carl Goodson Honors Program are required to present their theses during Scholars Day, any student may apply to participate in the event.

Sarah Davis, a senior theatre arts and Christian studies double major from Bedford, Texas, is one of many seniors who will present an honors thesis. “It’s really satisfying to present something you have worked really hard on in front of your peers and professors,” Davis said. Her presentation will be a performance that combines 10 Shakespearean monologues from different plays into one.

“It’s always cool to see all the different presentations, and I love supporting my friends in their endeavors,” Davis added. “For example, one of my friends will be presenting a collection of women’s costumes and fashion that she designed and sewed herself.”

Reflecting on his favorite part of the event, Dr. Poole noted, “Scholars Day reverses our roles: professors become students, listening and learning from students who have become teachers and performers. Nothing demonstrates a professor’s success – or a student’s accomplishment – more clearly than this reversal of roles.”

A schedule of all presentation times and venues is available for download here and is available on the Ouachita Baptist University mobile app in the general OBU guide.

For more information about Scholars Day, contact Dr. Barbara Pemberton at [email protected] or (870) 245-5541.

By McKenzie Cranford



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