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Susan Atkinson succeeds Judy Jones as Ouachita registrar & director of admissions

July 31, 2015 - Trennis Henderson

Susan Atkinson, a Ouachita Baptist University alumna and longtime staff member, has been named Ouachita’s registrar and director of admissions effective Aug. 1. She succeeds Judy Jones, who is retiring after 20 years in that role.


Susan Atkinson

“Judy Jones is highly respected both on campus and throughout the state for her work over the last 20 years as Ouachita’s registrar and director of admissions,” said Dr. Stan Poole, vice president for academic affairs. “We deeply appreciate the outstanding service she has given to Ouachita faculty, staff and students over these years. We wish her the very best as she transitions to retirement.

“We are fortunate to have Susan Atkinson stepping into this important role.” Poole added. “Susan brings to the position long-term experience in working with students and faculty in the School of Humanities. Her skills and abilities, as well as her integrity and commitment to service, will make for a smooth transition in the registrar’s office.”

Atkinson has served for the past 11 years as administrative assistant to the dean of the School of Humanities. She was named Ouachita’s 2012 Support Staff Member of the Year. Atkinson holds two degrees from Ouachita, a Bachelor of Music Education degree and a Master of Music Education degree. Her husband, Chuck; son, Richard; and daughter, Rebecca, also are Ouachita alumni.

“Susan Atkinson has been a tremendous asset to the School of Humanities for more than a decade,” said Dr. Jeff Root, dean of the School of Humanities. “I will always be grateful for the outstanding work she did here, but I’m also pleased that her new role will allow her to impact the campus as a whole on a daily basis. She will be an outstanding registrar.”


Judy Jones

“I have enjoyed working and serving in the School of Humanities,” Atkinson noted. “I look forward to serving the broader Ouachita community in my new role.”

Jones, who has served at Ouachita since 1990, recently was named registrar and director of admissions emerita by the Ouachita Board of Trustees in honor of her 25 years of service. Jones holds a master’s degree in secondary education from Ouachita and a bachelor’s degree in English from Henderson State University. She and her husband, Bobby, vice president for finance and administration at Henderson, have two sons, both of whom are Ouachita graduates, and eight grandchildren.

“I have been blessed to serve as registrar and director of admissions at Ouachita for more than 20 years,” Jones said. “While I am looking forward to retirement and spending more time with my grandchildren, I will certainly miss the students, faculty and staff here at Ouachita.
“I am excited for Susan Atkinson,” she added. “She was a perfect choice for the position and she will do a great job.”

By Trennis Henderson, OBU vice president for communications



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