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Charolette Allison, longtime Ouachita staff member, left legacy of service to six presidents

News graphicJune 28, 2018 - OBU News Bureau

CACharolette Allison, a longtime Ouachita staff member who served 31 years alongside six Ouachita presidents, passed away June 28 at age 74.

Mrs. Allison, a former Ouachita student, served in the president’s office from 1986 to 2017, working in the administrations of Dr. Daniel Grant, Dr. Ben Elrod, Dr. Andy Westmoreland, Dr. Rex Horne, Dr. Charles Wright and Dr. Ben Sells. In conjunction with her retirement last spring, the university’s Board of Trustees named her executive secretary to the president emerita in honor of her years of service.

“I treasure most the lifetime friendships made with students, staff, faculty and trustees,” Mrs. Allison reflected at the time. “Having the privilege of serving alongside six Ouachita presidents as receptionist, secretary and later executive secretary was beyond my wildest dreams. I thank God for them and the impact they’ve had on my life and on my family’s lives.”

“Charolette was the consummate professional,” noted former Ouachita President Rex Horne. “She was committed, compassionate and faithful.

“Charolette and Wade became dear and abiding friends,” he added. “Any good that has come to Ouachita through these decades found Charolette doing her part and more. We were blessed to have her for these years. She was and remains a treasure.”

According to Ouachita President Ben Sells, “Charolette Allison had a love for people that fueled her many years of dedicated service to this university. In that time, Charolette’s life touched thousands who have been connected with Ouachita, and all are grateful to have known her.”

Mrs. Allison served in various roles with Southwestern Bell for 15 years before beginning her Ouachita career working for Dr. Grant. In addition to her work with Ouachita’s presidents, Mrs. Allison prepared for all of the Board of Trustees’ meetings and compiled detailed minutes. She also supervised the executive office’s work study students.

She is survived by her husband, Wade; two daughters, Cindy Turnbow, a 1991 Ouachita graduate, and Keri Burkman, a 1994 Ouachita graduate; nine grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. In memory of their son, Mrs. Allison and her family have supported the annual Andy Allison Super Kids Run, a community-wide event focusing on childhood fitness.

Visitation will be held Sunday, July 1, from 2 to 4 p.m. at Second Baptist Church of Arkadelphia. The memorial service will be Monday, July 2, at 10 a.m., also at Second Baptist Church.


June 28, 2018



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