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Ouachita student Catie Shirley receives national American Chemical Society Leadership Award

 Ouachita student Catie Shirley receives national American Chemical Society Leadership Award.February 05, 2019 - Abby Turner

Ouachita Baptist University student Catie Shirley recently was awarded the American Chemical Society (ACS) Leadership Award, allowing her to attend the ACS Leadership Institute conference in Atlanta Jan. 25-27. Shirley, a junior biology major with a chemistry minor from Wylie, Texas, was one of 16 undergraduate students from around the country to receive the ACS Leadership Award.


Shirley, front row, pictured with ACS Leadership Award recipients at the ACS Leadership Institute conference in Atlanta.

The American Chemical Society Leadership Institute is an international conference that recognizes emerging leaders and helps prepare them for their professional careers. In addition to Shirley and the other Leadership Award recipients in attendance, hundreds of ACS members who lead at the state, regional and national levels were present.

Student Leadership Award winners are selected by the National ACS Undergraduate Office and the Younger Chemists Committee.

“We nominated Catie for the award because she has done an incredible job as Ouachita’s ACS student chapter vice president, and she will continue to serve as the president next year,” said Dr. Sara Hubbard, associate professor of chemistry and holder of the Nell I. Mondy Chair of Chemistry. Hubbard serves as faculty sponsor of Ouachita’s ACS chapter. “Catie has played a huge role in getting our Science Student Mentorship Program off the ground, and she has exciting plans for our ACS student chapter next year.

“Attending the ACS Leadership Institute helps give new skills and contacts to help them become even better leaders and strengthen their student chapters in the process,” Hubbard added.

“I learned valuable leadership skills and how to approach different situations in a more respectful way,” Shirley said. “I was honored to be nominated and to receive this award.”

For more information, contact Dr. Sara Hubbard at (870) 245-5533 or [email protected].


By Abby Turner

February 5, 2019



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