Ouachita’s Wind Ensemble recognized for musical achievement by College Band Directors National Association

Ouachita Baptist University’s Wind Ensemble is one of 13 ensembles from colleges and
universities around the country that will be recognized in the College Band Directors
National Association (CBDNA) Small Band Programs Showcase at the organization’s 2019
National Convention. The convention will take place Feb. 20-23 in Tempe, Ariz., at
Arizona State University.
A panel of three anonymous judges selected Ouachita’s Wind Ensemble, along with ensembles
from California, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, New Mexico, Ohio, Pennsylvania and
Washington, to be featured in the Small Band Programs Showcase.
“The entries were evaluated by a panel of judges – based on relative ‘musical achievement’
demonstrated by the performances they heard,” said Dr. Craig Hamilton, Ouachita’s
Lena Goodwin Trimble Professor of Music and director of bands. “The identities of
the jurors were confidential, as were the identities of each of the bands and conductors
who elected to be evaluated.”
“We submitted our recording of ‘One Life Beautiful’ by Julie Giroux from our fall
concert Nov. 12, 2018,” he said.
Hamilton plans to attend the convention and present at the showcase on behalf of Ouachita’s
Wind Ensemble. “I will talk about our program, and the audience will listen to our
recorded entry,” he said. “I am very proud of the work our Wind Ensemble does on a
daily basis, and excited for the national recognition.”
Hamilton is the conductor of the Ouachita Wind Ensemble; he has worked with the ensemble
since the 1990s. On average, the Wind Ensemble has 40 student members each year—a
smaller portion of the 120 students in Ouachita’s band program.
For more information, contact Dr. Craig Hamilton at (870) 245-5137 or [email protected].
By Phoebe Huff
February 13, 2019
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