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Church Requests

If your church is looking for a college student or recent alumni from Ouachita to serve on your ministry staff, or help with a church event, please fill out the form below.

The information will be shared through an online job database (Handshake). The office of Career and Calling coordinates publicity of ministry openings and internships. This will help us share your opening with them and students who may be interested. If your position is not filled after 90 days, please re-submit a request.

While we can't guarantee a student or graduate will be able to fill your position, we hope that Ouachita can help your church find the right person to serve your congregation. Please contact Dustin Wagley at [email protected] if you have any questions.

Students we share this information with should not necessarily be considered as screened or recommended by Ouachita or Campus Ministries.


This number will be shared with students.
What type of position are you looking to fill?*
If your event is over multiple days, select the starting day.
This is particularly helpful for current students who may not be able to afford to travel on their own.


Next Steps
