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9th Annual RockFest Climbing Competition

Come climb. Come spectate. Come get some free stuff. Winners receive prizes in several divisions (Men’s, Women’s, Beginner, Advanced).  There will be a prize raffle open to all attendees throughout the event.  The week prior to the competition the wall will be closed and new routes put up.  Visit the Henderson Bouldering Wall to keep your skills and strength up.

 Climbing centerDetails

Date: Saturday, Feb. 23, 2019

Place: OBU Climbing Center

Price: FREE

Participants:  All OBU and HSU students/faculty/staff can enter the competition.  Anyone can join as a spectator

Registration Deadline: No deadline, just show up

What to Bring: Water bottle, personal climbing gear (gear provided if needed)

Meeting Place/Time: OBU Climbing Center / 1 p.m.

Program End Time: Approximately 4 p.m.


  • Have fun and climb all the routes you want in the given time.  Record attempts on your score sheet.
  • Competition is based on the total of your three highest scores at the end of the event.
  • Division breakdown:  Based on the number of climbers present there will be 2 or 3 divisions for each gender.  Competitors will be placed in divisions based on their final total scores.  For example, climbers whose total score is 0-4000 are in beginner category and 4000+ are advance.  That division number will be predetermined by the staff, but unknown to the competitors to allow them to just climb to their best ability.
  • For a legal finish the climber must have a controlled hold with both hands on top of the bar.
  • Completing a climb on the first attempt will award you the full points.  The next 4 attempts will deduct 50 points.  Maximum deduction is 200 points per route.  No maximum number of attempts.
  • Any “rope help,” weighting the rope, falling onto the rope, or going off course will require a restart at the cost of an attempt.
  • The belayer must leave an appropriate amount of slack in the rope at all times.  Tension on the rope may be deemed as an artificial aid or hindrance to a competitor and may result in disqualification of the attempt.
  • Smearing (Gray painted flat surfaces) are on.
  • Naturals, corners, volumes, and white walls are off unless otherwise noted, this does not include the surface of the putty nugget.
  • No climbing “beta” (advice) can be given once the climber gets onto the wall.
  • Only exception: The climber may ask others if a rock is on or off by pointing at or otherwise indicating a rock, but not by resting on it or grabbing it.
  • Ties are broken by total attempt counts on your 3 highest scores.
  • If a climber finds a spinning hold they have two options:  1. Lower without receiving an attempt deduction and the hold will be tightened  2. Continue climbing.  If they fall using the spinning hold there will be no point deduction.  If they fall on a move that doesn’t involve the spinning hold points will be deducted as normal.

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