I’ve never lived in a dorm before. HELP. #askingforafriend

We know you have questions, some that you might be afraid to ask, about campus housing at Ouachita. So, we’ve put together some common questions and answers to give it to you straight. No need to ask questions for your friends – we’ve got you!
I paid for my housing, but is Chick-fil-A included? I need to know.
Ouachita’s housing costs, also known as room and board, includes:
- Living in a standard, shared dorm room.
- A meal plan that allows you to eat in the Commons (the caf) up to 5 times/day, but also $450 each semester for Evans Student Center (Chick-Fil-A, Sandella’s Flatbread Café, Tiger Grill and Dr. Jack’s Coffeehouse). Budget wisely!
- Unlimited laundry use for both washers and dryers in the residence halls. We know, we know … it’s not that exciting to have unlimited washes, but your mom will appreciate you doing your laundry on campus before going home to visit!
- $50 for copying and printing from on-campus printers.
What about parking my car on campus?
There are no ongoing parking fees, only a $30 fee to register your vehicle each semester. Grab your parking decal from the Office of Safety and Emergency Management, and you’re good to go. Each residence hall has designated parking areas for its residents. No long walks or shuttles here! (Just make sure you park in designated student parking areas to avoid getting a ticket!)
Can I go to McDonald’s at 3 a.m.?
Yep, because Ouachita does not have a curfew on campus! The residence halls are locked
24/7, but you can enter and exit the buildings as long as you have your student ID,
which gives you access to your building. (This is very safe as long as you don’t lose
your ID!)
Residence hall lobbies do close at midnight, though, giving you and your roomies some
much-needed quiet time for studying and a good night’s sleep.
Does Ouachita have co-ed dorms?
No, Ouachita does not have co-ed dorms; each residence hall is specifically for males
or females. This gives you –and your roomies – a very specific type of community in
each residence hall. You will build tight-knit relationships with residents on your
hall and around your dorm. It’s like home – just with all your friends!
Freshman dorms (Frances Crawford for the ladies, Flippen-Perrin and O.C. Bailey for
the guys) are especially fun! Rooms are interconnected, so it’s easy to drop-in and
see friends and very likely you will run into them on the long hallways. Freshman
resident advisors (RAs) also like to plan hangouts during the week and on weekends.
Visit the links above for a quick look at Ouachita’s freshman dorms. And if the idea
of living with people you don’t know yet is still a little scary, read this blog “Freshman dorm perks” from the perspective of someone who’s been there!
But friends can come over, right?
“Open dorm nights” allow you to bring your friends of the opposite sex to your room
during visiting hours of 8-11 p.m. Guys are allowed to have female friends over on
Tuesdays and Fridays; ladies are allowed to have male friends over on Wednesdays and
Saturdays. Guidelines will be explained in detail by your resident director before
the first open dorm of the semester.
Can I bring my blender?
Bring it on! Blenders, microwaves, popcorn poppers, mini fridges are all allowed,
just keep your fridges 4.5 cubic feet or smaller, and no open coil/open flame devices
like toasters or hot plates.
For a more comprehensive list of what to bring (or not), check out these packing tips!
Should I bring my own WiFi router?
Nope! Ouachita provides wireless internet access throughout campus, including in residence
halls as part of your technology fee. Ethernet ports also are available in the residence
halls. You’re welcome to bring wireless devices such as laptops, tablets, gaming systems,
video streaming devices, etc. and connect to the campus network. (Wireless printers
are discouraged because they interfere with WiFi signal in your room.) Our IT Services
team works hard to improve our network and bandwidth each year to keep up with all
your streaming, video chat – and don’t forget homework! – needs. Ouachita also provides
cable TV and local telephone service for each residence hall room.
How do I get along with my roommates?
Try to connect with and get to know your roommate before school starts. Be prepared to learn how to communicate with your roommate, because
we all communicate a little differently. Be sure to talk about boundaries. For example,
you could talk about your opinions and expectations of how clean your room should
be, how late is too late to have friends in your room and who brings what dorm items.
Make a short list of what you know is important to you, ask your roommate to do the
same, then talk about them!
If you do have conflict down the road, which is not uncommon, talk with your RA and
Resident Director to consider other ways to resolve conflict. Strive to settle disagreements
calmly and with kindness.
For more tips, check out “8 Essentials for Living with Your First College Roommate.”
And just for fun, here’s a quick video of seniors reuniting with their freshman roommate:
“Going Potluck: Roommates Reminisce.” We can’t wait for you to make your own Ouachita memories!
Contributors: Hannah Pilcher, resident director of Frances Crawford Hall, & Rickey Rogers, director of residence life and dean of students
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