James Taylor
CM's Weekly Recommendations (3/30)
March 30, 2020Each week during our spring semester away from campus, CM will share some different resources that you can use to seek to grow in faith.
CM's Weekly Recommendations (3/23)
March 23, 2020Each week during our spring semester away from campus, CM will share some different resources that you can use to seek to grow in faith.
CM's Weekly Recommendations (3/17)
March 17, 2020While we’re away from campus and primarily online, here are some resources that we hope encourage your faith.
What does attending a "Christian college" even mean? #askingforafriend
May 03, 2019We know you have questions, some that you might be afraid to ask, about what to expect if you attend a Baptist university. We know that every Christian college is different, but we want you to know exactly what makes Ouachita, Ouachita. Here are answers to some of the questions we hear all the time, so there’s no need to ask “for your friends!”