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Ouachita Stories


CM’s Weekly Recommendations (3/30)

Campus Ministries blog photoMarch 30, 2020 - James Taylor

Each week during our spring semester away from campus, CM will share some different resources that you can use to seek to grow in faith. We recognize that this is a time when online resources are coming at us from all directions. So take and use what you find helpful, but please don’t see these as a spiritual “to do” list that you have to complete.

As always, Right Now Media is free to all faculty, staff, and students and our Life Group study on Habits is available as a PDF. Here are some additional resources:

1.  “Adulting” – a six session study by Jonathan Pokluda on Right Now Media (get a free account at link above).

2.  Ouachita Chapel Podcast – a new episode will come out each Tuesday, with guest speakers from Ouachita’s faculty and staff. Available on: Apple Podcast or Soundcloud.

3.  The Heart of Revelation by Scott Duvall. $9.99 on Kindle and around $20 in paperback at most sites like Amazon.

4.  Nine Ways to Love Your Neighbor in this Pandemic”, by Justin Whitmel Earley.



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