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CM’s Weekly Recommendations (3/23)

Campus Ministries blog photoMarch 23, 2020 - James Taylor

Each week during our spring semester away from campus, CM will share some different resources that you can use to seek to grow in faith. We recognize that this is a time when online resources are coming at us from all directions. So take and use what you find helpful, but please don’t see these as a spiritual “to do” list that you have to complete.

  1. As always, Right Now Media is free to all faculty, staff, and students and our Life Group study on Habits is available as a PDF. Here are some additional resources:
  2. Spiritual Rhythms for Quarantine is a great guide by Justin Whitmel Early, who’s book and website The Common Rule has become a favorite for those considering spiritual habits.
  3. If you want something that doesn’t use the words “quarantine” or “coronavirus” or “covid-19,” here’s a talk by Tim Keller about leading as a Christian in American culture (given before the recent outbreak).
  4. The Bible Project is one of the most helpful collections of videos to help you explore the Bible, from a series on books of the Bible (like wisdom literature), to themes in the Bible (like generosity), to word studies (like “Yahweh“).
  5. Five Practices for Becoming a Non-Anxious Presence, a message by John Mark Comer (Website / Apple Podcast)


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