Greater love hath no man than this
January 20, 2025On Monday, Jan. 20, America and nations around the world will pause to recognize the 96th birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., which occurred Jan. 15.
As we reflect on the last calendar year, please enjoy these memories from 2024 on Ouachita's campus.
Dr. Lewis Shepherd, vice president for community and intercultural engagement, shared a Christmas message with campus at our last chapel service of the semester.
We sat down with Dr. Norm Pumphrey, one of the professors in our physics and engineering department, to talk about what he’s excited about in the engineering program.
I love football, but games are intimidating. HELP! #askingforafriend
September 24, 2024If you’re anything like me, you love football, and you’re excited for an awesome season of Tiger football. However – also like me – you might find the thought of going to your first Ouachita football game intimidating.
This past June Barbara Pemberton had the opportunity to travel with four other members of the Ouachita faculty and staff to Manaus, Brazil, to participate in the 15th Annual Faith in Truth pastor’s conference (Fé Na Verdade).
Today we pause to celebrate one of the most recently acquired federal holidays; yet, it has been in the making for 156 years. What created the first Watch Night Service was the same event that declared all African Americans free from bondage. That service was held on Dec. 31, 1862, just a few hours before midnight.
Reflections on a trip to remember
June 07, 2024Last week, I had the incredible opportunity to travel to Jackson Hole, Wyo., with my Ouachita MBA cohort, and it was a blast!
This year’s university theme has been “lives of meaningful work,” a phrase in our mission statement focused on one purpose of a Ouachita education. There are many dimensions to a life of meaningful work. This morning, I want to highlight one: that we’re called to be stewards in every season of life. This notion is illustrated in Scripture, and you exemplified it at Ouachita.
If there’s one thing life at Ouachita has taught me, it’s that sometimes, people trust you to do things you never imagined yourself being capable of. From directing major events to handling social media for campus spectacles, my Ouachita journey has been a rollercoaster of challenges and growth.