Ouachita Student Foundation sets new Tiger Tunes fundraising record
November 16, 2023The Ouachita Student Foundation raised more than $205,000 during Tiger Tunes 2023, surpassing its $200,000 goal and securing the most money raised in one year by the event. Held each year in Jones Performing Arts Center during the university’s Homecoming weekend, Tiger Tunes is a song and dance production that parodies popular music as a competition among student organizations.
The first days of your very first semester are incredibly special. Lots of folks have planned and worked together for months packing the calendar with events to help you make the most of every second during your first hundred days on campus.
“Welcome to Ouachita,” they’ll say. You’ll drive through the parking lot of Francis Crawford Hall or Flippen-Perrin Hall or O.C. Bailey Hall; your car will be loaded down, and perhaps your parents’ cars will be loaded down, too. Or you might be planning to be greeted from the passenger seat of a U-Haul that your family insisted on renting.
Ouachita names 40 students to Who's Who
June 20, 2023Forty students at Ouachita Baptist University have been named to the latest edition of Who’s Who Among American Colleges and Universities.
Ouachita to house one of the first two university-based locations of Tacos 4 Life
April 19, 2023Ouachita Baptist University will be one of the first two colleges to welcome Tacos 4 Life to its campus when the Arkansas-based restaurant chain launches an outlet in Ouachita’s Evans Student Center in Fall 2023.
Let’s face it. Winter is tiring, and sometimes that can lengthen the second semester.
Spinning the wheel and chasing a dream
January 12, 2023Hollywood really is where the American dream is made.
Ouachita Student Foundation raises record $170,000 through Tiger Tunes
November 18, 2022The Ouachita Student Foundation (OSF) raised $170,000 during Tiger Tunes, surpassing their goal of $135,000 for the entire 2022-23 school year. Tiger Tunes is an annual song-and-dance production that parodies popular music as a competition among student organizations. It is held each year during the university’s Homecoming weekend.
Finding inspiration, opportunity and friendship in the Hickingbotham School of Business
October 04, 2022Attending Ouachita after high school graduation was my dream for as long as I can remember. I have grown up listening to my mom talk about her Ouachita college days, and I watched as my brother, Chandler, fell in love with the school too.
Dreamy apartment life (or not)
September 06, 2022Warning: Everything you are about to read is completely true. Lovers of cooking should keep scrolling. Gordon Ramsey, please forgive me.